Search Results - loic+deleyrolle

4 Results Sort By:
Metabolic Enhancement of T Cells for Effective Immunotherapy in Tumor Microenvironments
Enhancing Metabolic Fitness of T -Cells to Treat Central Nervous System Tumors This T cell-based immunotherapy aims to enhance anti-tumor immune response by addressing metabolic restrictions within tumor microenvironments. T cells play a crucial role in targeting immune responses and adaptive immunity. However, their ability to respond to cancer cells...
Published: 12/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Loic Deleyrolle, Duane Mitchell, Jianping Huang, Linchun Jin
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Therapeutics
Natural Compounds for the Non-Toxic Treatment of Cancer
Administration of Non-Toxic Compounds, in Combination with a Low Carbohydrate Diet, Aids in Cancer Treatment Without Negative Side Effects This technology consists of natural compounds, which in combination with the implementation of a low carbohydrate diet, serve as a non-toxic aid in cancer treatment. Cancer is an energetically inefficient metabolic...
Published: 1/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Brent Reynolds, Loic Deleyrolle
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Nutraceutical
Nutritional Formulation for Managing the Negative Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
Lessens Chemotherapeutic Side Effects through the Consumption of Natural Products This natural formulation, optionally paired with a carbohydrate-limited diet, lessens the cytotoxic side effects of chemotherapy. Cancer management entails a combination of treatments, often employing surgery followed by chemotherapy, both targeted and non-targeted, with...
Published: 11/17/2023   |   Inventor(s): Brent Reynolds, Loic Deleyrolle
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Nutraceutical
Nanoparticle RNA Vaccine That Targets Slow-Cycling, Treatment-Resistant Cancer
Activates T-Cell Recognition of Tumor-Initiating Stem Cells in Mouse Model of Glioma This nanoparticle vaccine targets the slow-cycling, treatment-resistant, cancer stem cells to improve efficiency of anti-cancer drugs, thereby improving disease prognosis. Despite major developments in the field of anti-cancer therapies, tumor recurrence and metastasis...
Published: 2/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): Elias Sayour, Loic Deleyrolle, Hector Mendez-Gomez, Sadeem Qdaisat, Duane Mitchell
Keywords(s): Cancer, cancer stem cells, Immunotherapy, Nanoparticles, Vaccine development
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Human Health Care > Therapeutics