Search Results - energy+%26+environment+%3e+thermal

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Electrically Gated Solid-State Molecular Thermal Transistor (Case No. 2024-099)
Summary: UCLA researchers have introduced a solid-state thermal transistor that achieves groundbreaking performance and facilitates improved heat flow manipulation. Background: The forefront of thermal management is marked by the exploration of molecular thermal transistors, driven by the quest for more efficient electronic devices. Researchers are...
Published: 7/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yongjie Hu, Paul Weiss, Man Li
Keywords(s): ; self-assembled molecule, Composite Material, Doping (Semiconductor), Elastic Modulus Thermal Grease, Electronics & Semiconductors, field-effect transistors (FETs), Functional Materials, heat control, heat controlling devices, infrared thermal imaging, Microelectronics Semiconductor Device Fabrication, molecular design, molecular engineering, molecular junction, Nanomaterials, Optoelectronic materials, Optomechanical Thermal Imaging Transducer, organic field effect transistors, Organic Semiconductor, phase change materials, Rechargeable Battery Thermal Conductivity, self-assembled molecule, Semiconductor, semiconductor chip foundries, Semiconductor Device, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Semiconductor Ohmic Contact, Semiconductor Risk Assessment, Semiconductor Sapphire, Semiconductors, solid-state thermal transistor, strength-thermal stability, switching reversibility, thermal circuit, thermal compression bonding, thermal conductance, Thermal Energy Storage, thermal fusion, thermal imaging, thermal management systems, thermal stability, thermal switching speed, thermal switching speeds, thermal transistor, Thin-Film Transistor, Transistor, transistors, zzsemiconducting materials
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Energy & Environment, Energy & Environment > Energy Generation, Energy & Environment > Energy Storage, Energy & Environment > Energy Transmission, Energy & Environment > Thermal, Electrical > Instrumentation, Materials, Materials > Nanotechnology
2020-816-Ceramic Tiles with Defined Porosity as Near-ideal Radiative Cooling Materials
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a ceramic tile-based material that can assist in passive cooling for buildings and other structures. Background: Passive radiative cooling (PRC) is a promising and sustainable way to cool buildings and outdoor structures. Due to global warming, there...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jyotirmoy Mandal
Category(s): Materials > Functional Materials, Materials > Nanotechnology, Energy & Environment > Thermal
2021-051 Dynamic Flash Vapor Chamber Cooling
SUMMARY: UCLA researchers in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering developed an innovative thermal management system that can efficiently cool transient thermal spikes in high-power, pulsed devices. BACKGROUND: Proper thermal management is critical for electronic devices that require high power consumption. They often generate large...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Timothy Fisher
Category(s): Energy & Environment > Thermal, Mechanical > Aeronautics & Aerospace, Electrical > Wireless
2021-041 A Tandem-Structured Cooling Device Driven by Electrostatic Force
SUMMARYResearchers in the UCLA Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed an electrocaloric (EC) cooling device for compact applications, such as wearable electronics and implantables.BACKGROUNDSolid-state cooling technologies are an ecofriendly alternative to vapor compression refrigeration technology for thermal management. Cooling...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Qibing Pei, Yuan Meng
Category(s): Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors > Thermoelectrics, Energy & Environment > Thermal
2020-944 A Phase-Changing Polymer Film for Thermochromic Smart Windows Applications
SUMMARY UCLA researchers in the Department of Material Sciences and Engineering have developed energy-efficient, smart window coatings with wide light bandwidth, high degrees of modularity and high stability towards repeated cycling. BACKGROUND Utilizing smart windows’ tunable opacity to control both the timing and amount of light transmission...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Qibing Pei
Category(s): Materials > Functional Materials, Materials > Construction Materials, Materials > Membranes, Energy & Environment > Energy Efficiency, Energy & Environment > Thermal, Optics & Photonics
Thermally Radiative Materials and Coatings
From the Lab of Prof. Aaswath RamanBACKGROUNDProf. Aaswath Raman and his research team in UCLA’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a number of technologies that have the potential of greatly improving energy efficiency of buildings through reduced heating and cooling. Energy consumption in residential and commercial...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s):  
Category(s): Materials > Functional Materials, Materials > Construction Materials, Energy & Environment > Thermal
Low-Cost Hybrid Energy Storage System (2016-097, 2017-539)
SUMMARYUCLA researchers in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering have developed a low-cost and long-life energy storage system that provides long discharge duration, and can be scaled for on-site or grid storage applications.BACKGROUNDEnergy storage is one of the major challenges facing the energy industry as requirements take effect...
Published: 2/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Pirouz Kavehpour, Sammy Houssainy, Walid Ismail, Mohammad Janbozorgi, Hamarz Aryafar, Ariana Thacker
Category(s): Energy & Environment > Energy Storage, Energy & Environment > Energy Transmission, Energy & Environment > Thermal
2020-747 Multi-Functional Anti-Icing Hydrogel Technique for Controlling Ice Nucleation, Growth, and Adhesion
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed an anti-icing coating that is the first to incorporate a trifold approach by lowering the ice formation temperature, making the surface difficult for ice to stick to and delaying ice crystal growth. Background: Undesired icing/frosting on various surfaces...
Published: 9/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ximin He
Keywords(s): adhesion, anti-freeze, anti-icing, ceramic, Ceramics, Coating, Coatings, Adhesives, & Inks, General Device Coatings, glass, hydrogel, ice, ice prevention, mechanical durability, nucleation, organo hydrogel, spin coat, temperature control
Category(s): Chemical > Coatings, Adhesives & Inks, Materials > Membranes, Chemical > Polymers, Energy & Environment > Thermal
2020-187 Tuning Radiative Heat Flows Between Interior Surfaces and Human Occupants to Improve Heating and Cooling Efficiency
SUMMARYUCLA researchers in the Department of Material Sciences and Engineering have developed tunable interior emissive surfaces for floors, ceilings and walls that can decrease the energy required to heat a room by 67.7% in cold weather and decrease the energy to cool a room by 38.5% in warm weather, compared to traditional interior surface materials....
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Pattabhi "Aaswath" Raman
Category(s): Materials > Construction Materials, Materials > Functional Materials, Energy & Environment > Thermal
2020-464 UV-Reflective Paints with High Overall Solar Reflectance for Passive Cooling of Buildings
SUMMARY UCLA researchers in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering have developed coatings with exceptional solar-ultraviolet (UV) reflectance for efficient passive daytime radiative cooling of buildings. BACKGROUND ‘Cool’ white exterior coatings reflect sunlight (0.3-2.5 μm) and radiate heat (4-40 μm, particularly...
Published: 9/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Pattabhi "Aaswath" Raman, Jyotirmoy Mandal
Category(s): Materials > Functional Materials, Energy & Environment > Energy Transmission, Energy & Environment > Thermal
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