A Novel Liposomal Formulation to Target Candida


The yeast Candida lives on the skin and in many places inside the human body, often without causing any health problems. However, it can cause infections, especially if it reaches the bloodstream.

Shukla and colleagues have developed a liposomal formulation containing a novel targeting peptide for delivering antifungal treatments inside the body to the exact site of infection. This technique is effective at reducing fungal load, and the ability to target the site of infection can minimize damage to healthy human cells and reduce the development of antifungal resistance.

Market Opportunity

Candidiasis, the pathogenic fungal infection caused by the Candida fungus, is a deadly menace. C. albicans, is an opportunistic Candida variety that is the most common cause of fungal bloodstream infections; these infections can give rise to systemic candidiasis, which carries a 33 to 54% mortality rate.

When prescribing traditional antifungal medications to patients with these infections, physicians must give relatively large doses due to systemic loss through the body. Not only do these high doses subject healthy cells to harsh conditions, but the high dosage prescriptions also contribute to the troubling growth of antimicrobial drug resistance. Considering this, there is a strong need for targeted drug delivery methods that limit unnecessary exposure.

Liposomes have been extensively used as a drug-carrier to maximize therapeutic effects while minimizing toxicity. Shukla has created a novel liposomal formulation to target Candida with the antifungal anidulafungin.

Innovation and Meaningful Advantages

Using the lipids soy phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol, phosphatidylglycerol, α-tocopherol, and anidulafungin, Shukla’s team created liposomes around 100 nanometers in diameter specifically designed to find and target the fungus in question. They then tested the drug-laden liposomes against C. albicans to demonstrate its efficacy. Against biofilms made of the fungus, the technique reduced the fungal burden fivefold in just 24 hours.

Shukla’s method reduces the amount of drug necessary for the treatment, which aids in preventing the spread of antimicrobial resistance. In addition, the lower doses needed through this method have the potential to decrease the systemic toxicity and unwanted side-effects of antifungals, compared to traditional treatments.

Collaboration Opportunity

We are seeking a licensing opportunity for this innovative technology.

Principal Investigator

Anita Shukla, PhD
Associate Professor of Engineering
Brown University

IP Information

US Utility US11273124B2, Issued March 15, 2022



Melissa Simon, PhD
Director of Business Development
Brown Tech ID 2599


Patent Information: