Search Results - computer+software

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A Low Power Generative Adversarial Network Accelerator and Mixed-signal Time-domain MAC Array
NU 2020-104 INVENTORS Jie Gu* Zhengyu Chen ABSTRACT Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is rendered as one of the most interesting and challenging applications in deep learning space. Despite its broad real-time applications in gaming, authentication, VR, there is a lack of dedicated low power GAN accelerator due to the tremendous challenges on...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Computer software, Data processing/analysis, Electronics & Circuits
Category(s): Physical Sciences > Engineering & Technology
Infrared Tele-Video-Oculography for Remote Evaluation of Eye Movements
NU 2020-085 INVENTORS Marcello Cherchi* ABSTRACT Observation of eye movements is essential in the diagnosis, monitoring and management of a broad range of vestibular disorders, that is diseases affecting balance. Ideally, this examination should be conducted so that the patient’s eye movements can be examined under specific circumstances: (1)...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Computer software, COVID-19, Data processing/analysis, Devices, Neurologic disease, Ophthalmic disease, Remote Monitoring, Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
Category(s): Life Sciences > Healthcare Devices, Tools & IT
Density Compensation Function in Filtered Backprojection for Medical Imaging
NU 2020-014 INVENTORS Kyungpyo Hong Daniel Kim* ABSTRACT Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are considered two of the most important medical inventions in the last 50 years and the two most widely used modalities in radiology practice throughout the world. Both modalities may benefit from undersampling acquisition and reconstruction....
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Computer software, Diagnostics, Image/Signal processing, Imaging
Category(s): Life Sciences > Healthcare Devices, Tools & IT
Novel Imaging System with High-Resolution, High-Speed and Low Noise
NU 2020-053 INVENTORS Oliver S. Cossairt* Boxin Shi Zihao Wang Peiqi Duan Aggelos K. Katsaggelos* Tiejun Huang ABSTRACT Event cameras are novel bio-inspired sensors that have advantages over traditional frame cameras such as high speed, high dynamic range and low power consumption. However, current commercial and research prototypes of event cameras...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Computer software, Data processing/analysis, Image/Signal processing, Robotics, Transportation, Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
Category(s): Physical Sciences > Engineering & Technology
Knowledge Distillation and Scientific Paper Production using Artificial Intelligence
NU 2020-227 INVENTORS Dashun Wang* Nima Dehmamy Lu Liu Woo Seong Jo ABSTRACT Given the vast amount of research articles in different areas of science and humanities, efficient retrieval and condensing of relevant information is crucial for our ability to utilize humanities knowledge. While search engines and data mining allow us to find candidate...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Application, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Computer software, Data mining, Display, Education, Research tool
Category(s): Physical Sciences > Software & Services
Low Bandwidth System for Adaptive Video Acquisition and Object Tracking
NU 2020-022 INVENTORS Srutarshi Banerjee Henry Chopp Juan Gabriel Serra Pérez Zihao Wang Olliver Cossairt Aggelos Katsaggelos* SHORT DESCRIPTION Method for high-resolution imaging in bandwidth constrained-applications BACKGROUND In a world which is increasingly being dominated by cloud-based computer architectures, internet bandwidth capabilities...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Application, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Computer software, Display, Imaging, Optics
Category(s): Physical Sciences > Engineering & Technology
Deep Learning Structural Analysis Of Cerebral Cortex Predicts Features From MRI Data
NU 2020-152 INVENTORS Pierre Alain Besson S. Kathleen Bandt* SHORT DESCRIPTION Graph convolutional neural networks (gCNNs) successfully predict patient age and sex from T1-weighted brain surface MRI data. BACKGROUND As clinical image-based data sets grow in resolution and size, the promise of machine learning greatly expedites image classification...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Computer software, Data processing/analysis, Image/Signal processing, Neurologic disease
Category(s): Life Sciences > Healthcare Devices, Tools & IT
Size-Efficient Encryption Scheme that Secures Clouds and Blockchains
This encryption method provides the ability for users of cloud storage platforms to retrieve or query encrypted information or data without having to first decrypt the data, reducing the risk of exposing sensitive data. Hackers have broken into preexisting encrypted clouds, accessing the personal data of millions of people worldwide. In 2017, data breaches...
Published: 1/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Shuhong Gao
Keywords(s): Computer Software, Cyber-Security/Security Systems
Category(s): Information and Communication Technology
Scrybe: Blockchain Ledger for Clinical Trials
Scrybe utilizes Lightweight Mining (LWM) which allows the algorithm to depart from the resource-intensive and time-consuming verification approaches that cryptocurrencies use when expanding the blockchain. The clinical trials market size is expected to reach 68.9 billion by 2026, growing with a CAGR of 5.7%. Digitization is rapidly being adapted...
Published: 1/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Richard Brooks, Tony Skjellum, Lu Yu
Keywords(s): Computer Software, Cyber-Security/Security Systems
Category(s): Information and Communication Technology
Perspective Sculpture and Methods to design and build a sculpture from a kit
NU 2004-072InventorsThomas CohlmiaAbstractA perspective sculpture appears as one object in one view and as another object in another view (See Fig. 1). Other views display nothing discernable. Several commercial products can result. One such product can be a three-dimensional puzzle like the simple example shown in Fig. 2. When the blocks of the puzzle...
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s):  
Keywords(s): Computer software, Consumer product, Manufacturing/Processing
Category(s): Physical Sciences > Software & Services
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