Search Results - amelia+brackmann

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Electrically Gated Solid-State Molecular Thermal Transistor (Case No. 2024-099)
Summary: UCLA researchers have introduced a solid-state thermal transistor that achieves groundbreaking performance and facilitates improved heat flow manipulation. Background: The forefront of thermal management is marked by the exploration of molecular thermal transistors, driven by the quest for more efficient electronic devices. Researchers are...
Published: 10/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yongjie Hu, Paul Weiss, Man Li
Keywords(s): ; self-assembled molecule, Composite Material, Doping (Semiconductor), Elastic Modulus Thermal Grease, Electronics & Semiconductors, field-effect transistors (FETs), Functional Materials, heat control, heat controlling devices, infrared thermal imaging, Microelectronics Semiconductor Device Fabrication, molecular design, molecular engineering, molecular junction, Nanomaterials, Optoelectronic materials, Optomechanical Thermal Imaging Transducer, organic field effect transistors, Organic Semiconductor, phase change materials, Rechargeable Battery Thermal Conductivity, self-assembled molecule, Semiconductor, semiconductor chip foundries, Semiconductor Device, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Semiconductor Ohmic Contact, Semiconductor Risk Assessment, Semiconductor Sapphire, Semiconductors, solid-state thermal transistor, strength-thermal stability, switching reversibility, thermal circuit, thermal compression bonding, thermal conductance, Thermal Energy Storage, thermal fusion, thermal imaging, thermal management systems, thermal stability, thermal switching speed, thermal switching speeds, thermal transistor, Thin-Film Transistor, Transistor, transistors, zzsemiconducting materials
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Energy & Environment, Energy & Environment > Energy Generation, Energy & Environment > Energy Storage, Energy & Environment > Energy Transmission, Energy & Environment > Thermal, Electrical > Instrumentation, Materials, Materials > Nanotechnology
PMU-Embedded Analytics for Online Event Detection and Classification in Power Grids
The energy requirement of the world is increasing exponentially every year. With the power demand sites concentrated in the region with the highest population density, energy production sites must be located remotely. This isolation requires lengthy and complicated grids to be designed and manufactured to transmit power over long distances. Grid failures...
Published: 7/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Payman Dehghanian, Shiyuan Wang, Li Li
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Industrial or Consumer Tech > Energy Infrastructure and Environment
Sim[PLY]: Sustainable and Eco-friendly Construction Framing
Sim[PLY] is a sustainable construction framing system that utilizes pre-manufactured, CNC-cut plywood components and specialized connection details to enable fast, easy, and safe on-site building construction. The market for green, sustainable building materials and construction is trending and on the rise: the global market is projected to reach $529...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dustin Albright, Ulrike Heine, Ufuk Ersoy, Vincent Blouin, Daniel Harding, David Pastre, Jon Pennington, Tyler Silvers, Alison Martin, Ty Monks, Anthony Wohlers, Michael Stoner, Eric Balogh, Clair Dias, Jeff Hammer, Will Hinkley, Justin Hamrick, Alexandra Latham, Neely Leslie, Daniel Taylor, David Herrero, Rebecca Wilson, Russell Buchanan, Amelia Brackmann, Paul Mosher, Allyson Beck, Alex Libengood
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Distributed Feedback Fiber Laser Pumped by Multimode Diode Lasers
Researchers at the University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences and Canada's Carleton University recently succeeded in fabricating high reflectivity (>99%) Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) into phosphate glass fibers using UV light and a phase mask technique. With this new manufacturing technique, fiber lasers can be created as single monolithic...
Published: 4/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Nasser Peyghambarian, Axel Schülzgen, Li Li, Jacques Albert
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Lasers & Other Sources
All-Fiber Multicore Fiber Laser Devices
Researchers at the University of Arizona have developed a compact, power-scalable, alignment-free fiber laser that takes a new approach to stabilizing phase-locked operation of multi-core fiber lasers by completely removing all free space optical components. This high-brightness, all-fiber laser package uses passive optical fiber spliced at both ends...
Published: 4/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Nasser Peyghambarian, Axel Schülzgen, Li Li
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Fiber Optics, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Lasers & Other Sources