Search Results - zhonglin+liu

15 Results Sort By:
Microbial Electrosynthesis of Single Cell Protein
This technology uses a microbial electrolysis cell to consume organic waste and produce high quality single cell protein Background As population growth continues, the world is increasingly deficient in high quality protein. Most protein is produced from an inefficient industrial agriculture system that depletes natural resources and stresses arable...
Published: 5/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hong Liu, Luguang Wang, Kevin Linowski
Keywords(s): animal feed, microbial electrolysis cell, single cell protein
Category(s): Biological Materials, Chemistry
DNA Methylation Barriers
In normal differentiated cells, most of the genome is densely methylated, except CpG islands near promoters of actively transcribed genes. Maintaining this boundary between unmethylated promoter-associated and adjacent methylated regions is crucial as loss of segregation can lead to disease. Unfortunately, it is not clear where these boundaries are,...
Published: 6/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Li Liu, Jingmin Shu
Category(s): Applied Technologies, Genomic Assays/Reagents/Tools, Life Science (All LS Techs), Diagnostic Assays/Devices
Small Molecules with Antifungal Activity for Cryptococcosis
Researchers at the University of Arizona have found 140 novel antifungal compounds with the potential to treat cryptococcosis. These compounds have anti-Cryptococcus neoformans activity with IC50 less than 10 uM. Background: Fungal infections, although not very contagious, have affected 300 million people worldwide. Cryptococcosis is caused by opportunistic...
Published: 1/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hongmin Li, Anil Tharappel, Zhong Li
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Infectious Diseases
Broad Spectrum Inhibitors against Viral Methyltransferases
This innovation is a universal high throughput screening (HTS) assay to identify inhibitors targeting a binding site of viral methyltransferases (MTases) with a methyl donor. The inventors developed a fluorescence polarization (FP)-based HTS assay to target reference MTases, an essential enzyme to methylate the 5’-cap of viral RNA genome on SARS-CoV-2...
Published: 11/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Hongmin Li, Zhong Li
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Infectious Diseases
Allosteric Inhibitors of the Main Protease of SARS-CoV-2
In this report, the SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro was expressed and purified. By using a FRET-based enzymatic assay, the researchers have screened a library consisting of more than 300 different niclosamide derivatives and identified three molecules JMX0286, JMX0301, and JMX0941 as potent allosteric inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro, with IC50 values like that...
Published: 4/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hongmin Li, subodh samrat, Zhong Li, Jia Zhou, Jimin Xu
Category(s): Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Infectious Diseases
Calcimycin as Antifungals
A new antifungal treatment is necessary, as pathogens evolve and develop immunity to current methods. Here, the inventors present calcimycin (CMN) as a novel treatment of cryptococcosis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans (Cne) and likely Cryptococcus gattii (Cga). CMN prevents the protein from continuing to splice. While the current treatment methods...
Published: 2/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hongmin Li, Zhong Li, Qing-yu Zhang
Category(s): Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Life Sciences > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios, Technology Classifications > Healthcare Portfolios > Infectious Diseases
A Novel High-Throughput Assay for Identifying Zike Virus NS2B-NS3 Protease Inhibitors
This invention includes a novel high-throughput assay to identify orthosteric inhibitors blocking the Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease. Pathogenic flaviviruses, including Zika, require the NS2B-NS3 protease for viral replication. There is currently an unmet need for specific antiviral therapeutics against the Zika virus. Preliminary screening using the...
Published: 7/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Menghang Xia, Ruili Huang, Laura Kramer, Zhong Li, Hongmin Li
Keywords(s): Activity, Antiflaviviral, Compositions, PHARMACEUTICAL, VLXXXX, WIXXXX, WKXXXX, XHXXXX
Category(s): TherapeuticArea > Infectious Disease, Application > Therapeutics, ResearchProducts > Research Equipment, Application > Research Materials
Self-neutralizing air-breathing thruster and method of neutralization
An ion-engine is the cutting edge for atmospheric air-breathing engines. The technology depends on ionizing and neutralizing atmospheric air particles which create thrust. This unique possibility makes it an ideal choice for very-low-orbit satellites. Very- low-orbit satellite capabilities have benefits such as higher resolution for images, weight...
Published: 7/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Keidar, Anmol Taploo, Li Lin
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers Electronics & Software, Technology Classifications > Computers Electronics & Software > Aviation, Technology Classifications > Industrial or Consumer Tech > Energy Infrastructure and Environment, Technology Classifications > Industrial or Consumer Tech > Industrial Manufacturing
Non-Invasive Plasma Discharge Tube Device for Treating Brain Tumors
Treating brain tumors, like glioblastoma, is challenging. Current glioblastoma drugs, Rapamycin and Temozolomide (TMZ), generally only extend life for a matter of months, are not very effective in treating recurring tumors, and have significant clinical toxicity. A novel Plasma Discharge Tube (PDT) device has the potential to be more effective and less...
Published: 7/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Keidar, Li Lin, Vikas Soni, Xiaoliang Yao, Dayun Yan, Jonathan Sherman
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical
PMU-Embedded Analytics for Online Event Detection and Classification in Power Grids
The energy requirement of the world is increasing exponentially every year. With the power demand sites concentrated in the region with the highest population density, energy production sites must be located remotely. This isolation requires lengthy and complicated grids to be designed and manufactured to transmit power over long distances. Grid failures...
Published: 7/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Payman Dehghanian, Shiyuan Wang, Li Li
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Industrial or Consumer Tech > Energy Infrastructure and Environment
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