Self-neutralizing air-breathing thruster and method of neutralization

An ion-engine is the cutting edge for atmospheric air-breathing engines.  The technology depends on ionizing and neutralizing atmospheric air particles which create thrust.  This unique possibility makes it an ideal choice for very-low-orbit satellites.  Very- low-orbit satellite capabilities have benefits such as higher resolution for images, weight reduction, and lower cost for payloads.

Researchers at George Washington University have developed an air-breathing plasma thruster, which ionizes and neutralizes the air particles at the same instant. The present state of the technology, ion-engine technology, requires a separate neutralizer to achieve thrust, but the new idea combines the process and eliminates the need for a neutralizer. This reduction in components reduces the payload for low orbit satellites as well as reduces the complexity of the thruster.


  • Very-low-earth satellite technology
  • Ion-Engine development


  • Reduction of payload size
  • Reduction in cost
  • Eliminates the need for propellant storage tanks
  • Increases the services life of the satellite
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Self-neutralizing Air-breathing Plasma Thruster US Utility *United States of America 18/336,425   6/16/2023