Search Results - yong+xu

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Fiber Array for Optical Imaging and Therapeutics
This technology is a biomedical device that allows increased light penetration in skin and can substantially improve a variety of light-based therapeutic and diagnostic procedures. The device has an array of optically transparent fibers (either nano- or microscale in diameter) which are guided into a patient's skin by the simultaneous application...
Published: 10/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Rylander, Thomas Campbell, Ge Wang, Yong Xu, Mehmet Kosoglu
Keywords(s): Medical/Imaging
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biomedical, Technology Classifications > Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Microfluidic platforms for live-cell imaging and bio/pathomimetic tissue models
Background:Methodologies to image and quantify tissue models using high-content analysis (HCI) and functional analyses of 3D avatars are needed as such avatars better recapitulate the phenotype of pathobiological processes and better predict efficacy of, and resistance to, a wide variety of therapies. Furthermore, changes in morphometry, viability,...
Published: 2/14/2022   |   Inventor(s): Bonnie Sloane, Kamiar Moin, Kyungmin Ji, Kingsley Osuala, Yong Xu, Hongen Tu
Category(s): Specialty compounds, Research tools, Oncology, Microfluidics, Life Science, Instrumentation, Imaging, Diseases, Devices, Cell lines
Ambulatory systemic blood pressure telemonitoring
A non-invasive sensor method to determine ambulatory systemic blood pressure in the adult or pediatric population through the use of telemonitoring.Background & Unmet Need:Currently, non-invasive systems to measure blood pressure suffer from inaccuracies. They can vary significantly and there is no easy-to-use accurate way to determine ambulatory...
Published: 10/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sean Wu, Gaurav Kapur, Yong Xu, Lingguang Chen, William Lyman
Keywords(s): Biotechnology, Device, Patient Monitoring
Category(s): Medical Devices, Life Science
Origami Enabled Manufacturing
Origami is the art of folding flat sheets of paper into finished three dimensional structures. Manufacturing processes can also use folding techniques to improve existing products and create new products. A stent, used for cardiac applications, is a tubular metal mesh designed and built similarly to an origami object. Flexible solar cells, stretchable...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Hanqing Jiang, Hongyu Yu, Goran Konjevod, Yong Xu
Keywords(s): Bio-Technology, Educational, Fuel Cells, Energy, Materials and Electronics, Mechanical and Manufacturing, Medical Devices and Imaging
Category(s): Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology
Ultra-Sensitive Piezoresistive Accelerometer Based on Decoupled Piezoresistors
Ultra-sensitive piezoresistive accelerometer that has advantages over traditional piezoresistive accelerometers in both the sensitivity and minimum detectable acceleration.Wayne State University researchers have developed an ultra-sensitive piezoresistive accelerometer that has advantages over traditional piezoresistive accelerometers in both the sensitivity...
Published: 5/19/2017   |   Inventor(s): Yong Xu, Zhou Wang
Keywords(s): Military, Sound_monitoring
Category(s): Electronics, Other, Physical Sciences, Sensors