Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+imaging

61 Results Sort By:
PanoRadar: A High Resolution, Radio Frequency-Based 3D Imaging System
A radio frequency-based 3D imaging system that can generate LiDAR-comparable images with reduced power and processing needs. Problem: With the emergence of robotic and autonomous systems in areas such as transportation, search and rescue, construction, healthcare assistance, and warehouse management, radio frequency (RF) signal-based sensing and imaging...
Published: 8/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Mingmin Zhao, Gaoxiang Luo, Yifei Li, Haowen Lai
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning, Autonomous Vehicles, Imaging Agents
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Information Systems, Technology Classifications > Hardware & Components, Technology Classifications > Imaging
Dye-Loaded Micelles for Direct Visualization of Colorectal Cancer
A tissue-selective, biocompatible contrast agent enables the visual identification of tumors and tumor margins during procedures Problem: Dye-based chromoendoscopy (DBC) helps endoscopists visualize colorectal mucosa and identify inflammatory polyps that could progress toward colorectal cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However,...
Published: 8/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Andrew Tsourkas, Ahmad Amirshaghaghi, Zhiliang Cheng, Karthik Sundaram, Yiran Tian
Keywords(s): Bioengineering, Imaging Agents, Nanotechnology, Oncology, Surgery
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Materials
Enlarging Attachment for Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
A retrofittable attachment that provides increased magnification of the back of the eye (the ocular fundus). Background: Indirect ophthalmoscopy is performed by an examiner with the use of a binocular indirect ophthalmoscope (BIO). The examiner uses a headset to view an image of the patient's eye in a condensing lens hand-held by the examiner...
Published: 9/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Krumholz
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, eye examination, fundus, imaging, medical devices, ophthalmology, ophthalmoscopy, retina, Technologies, vision care
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Campus > SUNY College of Optometry
A Precise, Analytical Model to Measure Visual Function and Monitor Retinal Disease
A model to estimate the change in photoreceptor outer segment length that occurs upon light stimulation – a biomarker of cone function in the retina. Problem: Vision relies on the isomerization of photopigments within photoreceptors (cones and rods) by light. Traditionally, researchers and clinicians have relied on functional assessments of photoreceptor...
Published: 3/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jessica Morgan, David Brainard, Raymond Warner
Keywords(s): Neurology, Ophthalmology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Testing & Measurement
Laser Ablation Direct Analysis in Real Time-Imaging Mass Spectrometry (LADI-MS)
Offers the potential of real-time small-sample analysis for a very large variety of applications. Background: Real Time Imaging Mass Spectrometry (RTMS) is a method for analyzing and identifying biological samples in real time. RTMS can be used in an extremely broad variety of applications, involving chemistry, biochemistry, food sciences, and medicine....
Published: 1/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rabi Musah
Keywords(s): analytical chemistry, Biomarker discovery, chemistry, forensic testing, image acquisition, imaging, life sciences, Mass spectrometry imaging, medical imaging, Natural products, Phytochemistry, Small-molecule profiling, Small-molecule spatial distribution mapping, Species discrimination, Species identification, Technologies, Tissue analysis, wood anatomy, wood science
Category(s): Campus > University at Albany, Technology Classifications > Agriculture, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Drug Delivery, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Technology Classifications > Materials and Chemicals, Technology Classifications > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents
PET Radiotracers for Diagnosis and Patient Stratification of Neurodegenerative Disorders
Small molecules that bind to alpha-synuclein deposition and can be used for PET imagining in patients with synucleinopathies Problem: Imaging alpha-synuclein (αS) using noninvasive techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) can help with the early diagnosis of synucleinopathies. Previous PET radiotracers suffer from low binding affinity...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Robert Mach, E. James Petersson
Keywords(s): Imaging Agents, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Radiology, Small Molecule
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Chemical Processes and Synthesis, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Research Tools & Reagents
Human-AI Hybrid Intelligence Model to Accurately Recognize and Segment Organs on Medical Scans 70% Faster Than Physicians
AAR-DL (Automatic Anatomy Recognition – Deep Learning) is a hybrid intelligence recognition and delineation segmentation model that outputs automatically delineated organs in medical images by combining natural intelligence’s (i.e., human knowledge’s) and artificial intelligence's strengths to map organs and their boundaries in...
Published: 6/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jayaram Udupa, Tiange Liu, Dewey Odhner, Chao Jin, Yubing Tong, Drew Torigian
Keywords(s): Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning, Data Science, Healthcare IT, Oncology, Platform Technology, Radiology, Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Information Systems, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Imaging
Revolutionizing CT Imaging: Gold Nanoparticles with Biodegradable Polymer Encapsulation
Innovative CT contrast agent using biodegradable polymer-encapsulated gold nanoparticles for enhanced imaging and safe excretion. Problem: Gold particles emerged as promising contrasting agents due to their high X-ray attenuation, but their size-dependent behavior posed a challenge. Particles larger than 5nm raised toxicity concerns due to potential...
Published: 2/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Cormode
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Research Tools & Reagents
Coherent Generation Of High-Dimensional Structured Light Using A Hyperdimensional Spin-Orbit Microlaser
The current invention describes next-generation high-capacity noise-resilient communication and computing technology. The invention describes a method to coherently generate high-dimensional structured light, including spin-orbit states, in an integrated and scalable way. Problem: On-chip information technologies are mostly limited to two-level systems...
Published: 10/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Liang Feng, Zhifeng Zhang, Haoqi Zhao, Li Ge
Keywords(s): Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR), Optics & Photonics 
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer Information Systems, Technology Classifications > Materials, Technology Classifications > Imaging
Xenon Biosensors Improve Early Breast Cancer Detection
A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) based enzyme-detection system comprising xenon (129Xe) biosensors complexed with an enzyme-specific peptide substrate. Problem: In 2023, about 298,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, with an estimated 43,700 deaths. Early cancer detection in the localized stage increases the five-year relative...
Published: 10/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ivan Dmochowski, Qian Wei, Nicholas Kuzma, Aru Hill
Keywords(s): Bioengineering, Imaging Agents, Neurology, Oncology, Radiology, Women's Health
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Chemical Processes and Synthesis, Technology Classifications > Imaging
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