Search Results - optogenetics

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LIGHT CONTROLLED PROXIMITY LABELING WITH LOV-TURBO Researchers at Stanford University have developed a new approach for proximity labeling via optogenetic control. Allosteric regulation is common in naturally occurring enzymes in living tissues. However, despite its ability to improve spatial and temporal control, allostery has yet to be used extensively...
Published: 7/6/2023   |   Inventor(s): Joleen Cheah, Alice Ting, Songyi Lee
Keywords(s): Allostery, Enzyme, Optogenetics, Protein Engineering, Proximity Labeling
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biology
High-resolution Flexible Neural Implant
Optogenetics uses light stimulation to control the excitation, inhibition, or signaling pathways of optically excitable cells and provides a powerful tool to diagnose and treat, as well as understand, numerous neurological and psychiatric diseases and disorders. Modified neurons can be activated or silenced by different light frequencies. However, the...
Published: 10/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Joseph Smith, Barry O'Brien, Yong-Kyun Lee, Edward Bawolek, Jennifer Blain Christen, Michael Goryll, Jitendran "jit" Muthuswamy, George Kunnen, David Allee
Keywords(s): Biological Cell Monitoring, Biosignature, Bio-Technology, Flexible electronics, Optoelectronics, Optogenetics
Category(s): Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology, Biomaterials, Life Science (All LS Techs), Medical Devices, Neurodegenerative Disease Technologies, Semiconductors, Materials & Processes