Search Results - engineering+and+sensors

21 Results Sort By:
A new approach to supply oxygen to reactor that greatly simplifies the compound specific carbon isotopic analysis using mass spectrometer
Extending the Life of a System Used for Compound-Specific Carbon Isotopic Analysis Overview We have developed a system that extends the life of the commercial gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry systems used for compound-specific isotopic analysis (CSIA), by incorporating an automatic pressure control (APC) to maintain oxidative capacity...
Published: 1/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yongsong Huang, Rafale Tarozo, Ewerton Santos, Marcelo Alexandre
Category(s): Engineering and Sensors
A novel method to fabricate nanostructured bulk materials with tailored grain-boundary conditions
Overview Engineering at the grain boundary - the meeting points of where the crystals or grains of varying size and orientation that comprise a material meet—is crucial to fully utilizing a new material. This area of research is pivotal to fully utilizing the mechanical, electrical, and thermal transport properties of a variety of materials....
Published: 5/21/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ou Chen, Yasutaka Nagaoka
Category(s): Engineering and Sensors
Integrated Platforms for Microscale Spatially Resolved Electrochemical Measurements
Overview The use of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to carry out real-time observations of cells and extract information about their physiological properties has expanded in recent years. The ease of integrating EIS with microfluidic devices has allowed the technology to further expand into biomedical research. We have developed a 64X64...
Published: 1/31/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jacob Rosenstein
Category(s): Engineering and Sensors
Low-Noise Amplifier for High-Speed Tunneling-Recognition Diagnostics
Overview Though optical and mechanical nanosensors may operate near their intrinsic noise floors, electronic platforms often plateau at limits determined jointly by the sensors and their electronic acquisition circuits. We have invented a low-noise method for the detection and determination of biomolecules obtained from high-speed electron-tunneling...
Published: 1/31/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jacob Rosenstein
Category(s): Diagnostics, Engineering and Sensors
Advanced Photonics for Brain Imaging with High Spatiotemporal Resolution
­Overview We have developed a new type of noninvasive mobile neurotechnology that enables extremely sensitive, accurate, and high-resolution brain imaging. Market Opportunity Brain imaging has long been restricted to clinical and other specialized centers, mainly because of the large, complex, and expensive equipment required. Yet, to truly understand...
Published: 10/17/2022   |   Inventor(s): Arto Nurmikko
Category(s): Devices, Engineering and Sensors
­Overview An x-ray detector is only as good as its image resolution. Our technology, which uses coherent bundles of scintillating fibers, provides a substantial increase in resolution over existing x-ray detector technologies. Market Opportunity The usefulness of x-ray imaging’s many medical applications is limited by the image resolution....
Published: 1/12/2023   |   Inventor(s): Angus Kingon, Nicholas Mostovych, Theodore Morse
Category(s): Engineering and Sensors, Instruments
Ultrasensitive magnetic sensors using magnetic tunneling junctions incorporated with multiple stages of magnetic flux concentrators
­Ultrasensitive Magnetic Tunneling Junction Sensor Overview The sensitivity of current magnetic sensors is often inadequate. Our novel technology incorporates an on-chip magnetic flux concentrator (onMFC) and an external magnetic flux concentrator (exMFC) on a magnetic tunneling junction sensor placed on a silicon wafer. These double-staged MFCs...
Published: 1/18/2023   |   Inventor(s): Gang Xiao, Guanyang He
Category(s): Devices, Engineering and Sensors
X-ray Imaging with Micron Resolution
Novel Scintillating Detectors for X-ray Imaging with Micron Resolution Overview An x-ray detector is only as good as its image resolution. Our technology, which uses coherent bundles of scintillating fibers, provides a substantial increase in resolution over existing x-ray detector technologies. Market Opportunity The usefulness of x-ray imaging’s...
Published: 1/12/2023   |   Inventor(s): Kenneth Breuer, Avilash Cramer, Christopher Bull, Paul Waltz, Ragiv Gupta, Theodore Morse
Category(s): Engineering and Sensors, Instruments
Optogenetic Control of the Blood Brain Barrier for Drug Delivery (Case 2135)
Optogenetic Control of the Blood Brain Barrier for Drug Delivery Overview The blood–brain barrier (BBB) remains a significant impediment to drug development for central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Our novel method provides a way to regulate the permeability of the BBB, enabling delivery of therapeutics to the brain with high spatial and temporal...
Published: 4/28/2022   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Moore, Tyler Brown
Category(s): Engineering and Sensors, Drug Delivery, Neuroscience, Oncology, Therapeutics
Improved Method of Manufacturing Nanowire Nanoarray Memories (Case 1709)
Principal Investigator: John Savage, PhD, Professor Department of Computer ScienceBrown UniversityProvidence, RIBrief Description:Methods have been developed for growing nanowires (NWs) and carbon nanotubes (NTs) with diameters of a few nanometers and for assembling NWs into nanoarrays, crossbars containing two orthogonal sets of parallel wires on...
Published: 4/28/2022   |   Inventor(s): John Savage, Eric Rachlin, Andre Dehon, Charles Lieber
Category(s): Devices, Diagnostics, Engineering and Sensors, Environmental, Metabolic diseases, Nanotechnology, Neuroscience, Oncology, Research Tools, Software, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
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