Search Results - structural+health+monitoring

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2023-131 A Method for Video Motion Detection, Segmentation, and Compression
Summary: UCLA Researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed a new computationally efficient algorithm that detects and tracks motion in videos. Background: Computer vision and video processing have many applications in visual security and surveillance such as people counting, action recognition, anomaly detection,...
Published: 11/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Bahram Jalali, Yiming Zhou, Callen MacPhee
Keywords(s): Autonomous driving, computational imaging, Computer Monitor, Computer Security, Computer Vision, computer vision algorithm, Computer-Aided Design, data Compression, Data Recovery, Energy Security , event detection, Human tracking, Image Analysis, image and video enhancement, Image Processing, image restoration, Liquid tracking, Metal process monitoring, motion detection, object recognition, real-time sensing/monitoring/tracking, security, Security and defense, security imaging, Structural health monitoring, Vibration monitoring, Vibration sensing, video pre-processing, video processing, visual security and surveillance
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing, Software & Algorithms > Security & Privacy, Software & Algorithms > Programs
AI method-apparatus for extracting crack-length from high-frequency AE signals
Reference #: 01536 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for AI method-apparatus for extracting crack-length from high-frequency AE signals Background: In metallic structures, fatigue cracks are inevitable and need to be detected and quantified. However, the crack length information is hard to be estimated. It is imperative...
Published: 9/3/2022   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Hanfei Mei, Joseph Garrett, Kimberly Cardillo
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, artificial intelligence, crack length, fatigue crack growth, finite element simulation, machine learning, standing wave, structural health monitoring
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Acoustic Emission Method to Ascertain Damage Occurrence in Impacted Composites
Reference #: 01448 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Acoustic emission method to ascertain damage occurrence in impacted composites Background: In CFRP composites manufacturing flaws and operational damage are inevitable and need to be detected for quality assurance. In-service damage of CFRP structures is also...
Published: 5/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Robin James, Roshan Joseph
Keywords(s): acoustic emission, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), composite structures, damage detection, impact damage, structural health monitoring
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences
Angle-Beam Guided Waves for Composite-Damage Identification and Monitoring
Reference #: 01446 The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Angle-beam guided waves for composite-damage identification and monitoring Background: In composites, manufacturing flaws and operational damage are inevitable and need to be detected for quality assurance. In-service damage of composite structures is also...
Published: 6/12/2024   |   Inventor(s): Victor Giurgiutiu, Robin James, Hanfei Mei, Mohammad Haider
Keywords(s): angle beam transducer, carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), damage detection, delamination, guided waves, impact damage, phased array transducer, structural health monitoring
Category(s): Engineering and Physical Sciences