Fluorescence and Magnetic Resonance Detectable Retrograde Neuronal Tracers

NU 2020-029

Nathan Gianneschi*
Massimo Scanziani (UCSF)  

Novel polymeric nanoparticle neuronal tracers with a range of fluorophores for multiplexed in vivo brain mapping.

Northwestern researchers have developed novel latex particles for retrograde neuronal tracing as a critical tool for the mapping of brain architecture. These polymeric nanoparticle neuronal tracers (NNTs) are tagged with fluorophores and/or gadolinium-based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents allowing for multiple modes of detection. Each fluorescently labeled particle carries one of four different fluorophores with the collection covering a spectral range from 300 nm to 700 nm allowing researchers to map specific areas either separately or collectively with multiple channels available for multiplex imaging. The tracers do not diffuse randomly in brain tissue, rather they identify pathways that interconnect the brain in vivo. In addition to fluorophore labels, a neuronal tracer containing a MRI agent is available. These tracers provide a multicolor tool for mapping neuronal connectivity with high spatial resolution.  The materials are highly scalable, high quality, nonviral nanotracers, expanding the spectrum of colors available compared to current commercially available options which include the commonly used LumaflorTM beads.  


  • Neuronal tracing and brain mapping  


  • Retrograde transport in vivo
  • Low toxicity
  • High stability
  • Minimal diffusion from injection site
  • Multiple modes of detection via multicolored fluorophores and MRI contrast agents

Zang N, Issa J, Ditri T, Bortone D, Touve M, Rush A, Scanziani M, Dombeck D and Gianneschi N (2020) Multicolor Polymeric Nanoparticle Neuronal Tracers.   ACS Central Science, in press.

A provisional patent application has been filed.

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