β-blocker inactive form of propranolol for treatment of angiogenic disease.
Angiogenesis is the growth of blood vessels from the existing vasculature. While it is a normal and vital process in growth, development, and wound healing, it is also a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a benign to a malignant state. Angiogenesis is also involved in the formation of vascular lesions such as hemangiomas of infancy (HOI), vascular malformations, and malignant vascular tumors. Treatment options for HOI include surgery and drug therapy. Surgery can leave scars and be dangerous for children. Drug treatments, such as the beta blocker propranolol, are given systemically and can cause serious side effects, especially in small children.
Emory University researchers have identified a beta blocker isomer of propranolol for the treatment of angiogenic and inflammatory disorders. The researchers identified the beta blocker inactive isoform to have more anti-angiogenic properties than the beta blocker active isoform. This isomer was shown to reduce angiogenic markers in hemangioma cells, while avoiding the negative side effects of beta-blocking activity of propranolol. These isomers may also have anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects on other cancers and inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis and arthritis.
Animal experiments completed.
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