Search Results - sunil+sundalam

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Covalent inhibitors of PARP-16 for cancer treatment
Summary The current technology is a selective, covalent inhibitor of PARP16 with potential therapeutic applications for the treatment of cancer. Technology Overview The poly-ADP-ribose-polymerase (PARP) family is made up of 17 enzymes in humans that are increasingly recognized as major downstream regulators of NAD+-mediated signaling in cells. PARP1...
Published: 10/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael (Mike) Cohen, Daniel Bejan, Sunil Sundalam
Keywords(s): Therapeutics, Therapeutics - Cancer
Category(s): Therapeutics
Clickable, photoactivatable NAD+ analogues as probes for PARP and other NAD+-binding targets
Summary Researchers at OHSU have developed a screening platform for identification of proteins regulated by PARPs, which relies on a novel bi-functional NAD analog containing a photo-reactive group for crosslinking to binding targets and a click tag for their identification. This tool can be used to efficiently screen cell lysates to uncover novel...
Published: 9/21/2023   |   Inventor(s): Sunil Sundalam, Michael Cohen
Keywords(s): Research Tools, Therapeutics, Therapeutics - Cancer, Therapeutics - Immunology, Therapeutics - Infectious Diseases
Category(s): Chemical, Research Tools, Therapeutics