Search Results - data+compression

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Data Compression and Encryption for Multimedia
A data compression and encryption technology to enhance the quality and security of multimedia access. Background: With mobile high-speed networks evolving from 5G to 6G and the advent of edge and quantum computing, coupled with the explosive growth of social media and downloadable entertainment, large-file (high-resolution) multimedia consumption...
Published: 11/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ziya Arnavut
Keywords(s): audio, data compression, encryption, imaging, medical imaging, multimedia, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > SUNY Fredonia, Technology Classifications > Computers, Technology Classifications > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Technology Classifications > Healthcare IT, Technology Classifications > Information Technology, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents
2023-131 A Method for Video Motion Detection, Segmentation, and Compression
Summary: UCLA Researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed a new computationally efficient algorithm that detects and tracks motion in videos. Background: Computer vision and video processing have many applications in visual security and surveillance such as people counting, action recognition, anomaly detection,...
Published: 11/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Bahram Jalali, Yiming Zhou, Callen MacPhee
Keywords(s): Autonomous driving, computational imaging, Computer Monitor, Computer Security, Computer Vision, computer vision algorithm, Computer-Aided Design, data Compression, Data Recovery, Energy Security , event detection, Human tracking, Image Analysis, image and video enhancement, Image Processing, image restoration, Liquid tracking, Metal process monitoring, motion detection, object recognition, real-time sensing/monitoring/tracking, security, Security and defense, security imaging, Structural health monitoring, Vibration monitoring, Vibration sensing, video pre-processing, video processing, visual security and surveillance
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing, Software & Algorithms > Security & Privacy, Software & Algorithms > Programs