Search Results - stephen+chou

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Pattern-Free Method of Making Line Gratings
Researchers at Princeton University have developed a new method for forming micro linear arrays without the use of patterned masks or molds. Princeton is seeking industrial collaborators to commercialize this technology. Substrate-supported linear arrays are formed by the steps of adhering a thin layer of polymer between a pair of substrates...
Published: 11/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): William Russel, Stephen Chou, Leonard Pease, Paru Deshpande
Category(s): Materials
Method for Self-Repair of Defects in Nano-Structures
Researchers at Princeton University have developed a new method for repairing and thereby reducing defects in a patterned nanoscale device by liquifying the patterned device in the presence of appropriate guiding conditions for a period of time and then permitting the device to re-solidify. The performance of such nanoscale devices typically...
Published: 5/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Stephen Chou, Qiangfei Xia
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, Materials