Search Results - medicinal

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Treatment for Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Related Diseases
Background Abdominal obesity is the most commonly observed component of metabolic syndrome and a major risk factor for type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In addition to obesity, an individual’s risk of cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes is strongly correlated to a series of risk factors, collectively referred to as metabolic...
Published: 8/4/2022   |   Inventor(s): Jan Frederik Stevens, Paul Blakemore, Ines Paraiso, Luce Mattio
Keywords(s): Chemical Synthesis, medicinal, Metabolic syndrome, Obesity, pharmaceuticals, Type 2 Diabetes
Category(s): Therapeutics
Substituted Phenols and Benzenes for Pharmaceuticals, Agrochemicals and Synthetic Materials
Technology Description This technology licensing opportunity is for novel phenol and benzene compounds with any number of substituents and complete positional selectivity. Synthesis of the compounds is achieved by a new synthetic method. The method provides a one-step conversion of readily available starting materials to give phenols with complete...
Published: 5/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Chris Beaudry, Xiaojie Zhang
Keywords(s): agrochemical, benzenes, chemistry, medicinal, organic, pharmaceuticals, phenols, polymer, substituted, synthesis
Category(s): Agricultural, Chemical, Therapeutics