Search Results - javier+carretero-gonzalez

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Biscrolling Nanopowders and Carbon Nanotube Sheets into Fibers, Yarns and Textiles
Non-Confidential Description:The technology is the first known method to spin biscrolled fibers/yarns from nanopowder materials using carbon nanotube (CNT) sheets as the host. Nanopowder materials (nanoparticles, nanofibers) are loaded onto the CNT sheets to form bi-layered sheets, which are then scrolled into fibers. A key advantage of this technology...
Published: 6/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ray Baughman, Shaoli Fang, Marcio Lima, Raquel Robles, Xavier Lepro-Chavez, Mohammad Haque, Anvar Zakhidov, Chihye Lewis Azad, Javier Carretero-Gonzalez, Elizabet Castillo-Martinez, Carter Haines, David Novitski, Mikhail Kozlov
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Coatings, Drug Delivery, Electronics, Energy Storage & Battery, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Healthcare, Processes, Semiconductor, MEMS & Nanotechnology, Textiles
Category(s): Materials, Nanotechnology