Search Results - hangwei+lu

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y-AApeptide-based long-acting pan-coronavirus fusion inhibitor with dual targets in spike protein and oral bioavailability
­Advantages: S-20-1 demonstrates potent inhibitory action, this broad-spectrum activity suggests that S-20-1 could be effective against a wide range of coronaviruses, making it a valuable candidate for pandemic preparedness and management. The research provides insights into the mechanism of action of S-20-1, demonstrating its ability to bind...
Published: 9/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jianfeng Cai, Shibo JIANG, Lu LU, Songyi XUE, Xinling WANG, Lei WANG, Wei XU, Shuai XIA
Keywords(s): Drug Discovery, Immunology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology
Nature-inspired Functionally-graded UHMWPE + Kevlar Composites Achieve Extraordinarily High Strength
Nature-inspired polymers are achieved using unique processing to yield functional gradient composites with embedded Kevlar fibers exhibiting extraordinarily high strength lightweight UHMWPE materials. Background: Demand for new energy absorption materials and implantable polymeric biomaterials has increased significantly in recent years. The...
Published: 7/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Shenqiang Ren, Lu An
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Buffalo, Technology Classifications > Materials and Chemicals, Technology Classifications > Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > Engineering
Scanning Electron Microscope Search Algorithm That Locates Defects or Trojans in Integrated Circuits
Applies Object Localization Algorithm to Identify and Locate Objects in Large, Complex Images This object localization algorithm and window search technique identifies and locates target objects from scanning electron microscope images of integrated circuits to assist detection of defects and malicious circuits. Integrated circuits play key roles...
Published: 12/9/2021   |   Inventor(s): Damon Woodard, Mark Tehranipoor, Navid Asadi-Zanjani, Ronald Wilson, Hangwei Lu, Nidish Vashistha
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Computer Science
Hybrid Plasmonic Platform for Directing and Controlling Nanostructure Growth
Low-Heat, Bottom-Up Approach Can Produce Metal, Polymer or Bio-Molecule Structures for Catalysis, Biosensors, Electronic Devices and MoreThis surface plasmon mediated chemical solution deposition method uses surface plasmon resonance to deposit nanoparticles in the liquid phase at room temperature to direct and control nanostructure growth. Plasmonic...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Wei Wei, Jingjing Qiu
Keywords(s): Catalysts, nanoparticle synthesis, Plasmonic, Thin Films
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Materials
Network-Coded Multiple Access
[Licensing negotiation in progress] [Invitation for Expression of Interest - Deadline: 16 June 2016] Systems and methods include a first wireless local area network (WLAN) system that jointly exploit physical-layer network coding (PNC) and multi-user decoding (MUD) to boost system throughput. This multiple access mode is referred to as Network-Coded...
Published: 1/29/2024   |   Inventor(s): Soung Chang Liew, Lu LU, Lizhao You
Keywords(s): Network Coding, Wireless Local Area Network
Category(s): Information and Communications Technology
Erythropoietin-Derived Short Peptide and Its Mimics as Immuno/Inflammatory Modulators
Invention Summary: Erythropoeitin (Epo) is a hematopoietic growth factor widely used in the treatment of anemia and has been claimed to have direct neuroprotective effects. However, long-term Epo therapy can lead to the excessive elevation of platelets and red blood cells in non-anemic individuals. A short Epo-derived peptide has recently been shown...
Published: 5/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rui Rong Yuan, Peter Dowling, Bo Wang, Wei Lu
Keywords(s): Neurological disorder & neuropathic pain
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics