Search Results - david+reynolds

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Double Digital Assay for Isolation and Analysis of Single Extracellular Vesicles for Early Detection of Disease Biomarkers Including Cancer
An ultrasensitive diagnostic tool that isolates single extracellular vesicles (EVs) and measures their contents to single molecule resolution. Problem: EVs contain biomolecules that can identify a variety of disease states and, thus, have emerged as a promising source for diagnostics. Within the EV diagnostic field, there are two major challenges:...
Published: 10/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jina Ko, David Reynolds, Menghan Pan
Keywords(s): Bioengineering, Infectious Disease, Microfluidics, Oncology, Platform Technology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Digital Health, Technology Classifications > Research Tools & Reagents, Technology Classifications > Hardware & Components, Technology Classifications > Testing & Measurement