Search Results - christopher+lane

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Tunable and Reconfigurable Atomically Thin Heterostructures
3 layers can form rotationally-aligned stacks with long-range crystallographic order. Our theory predicts and experiments reveal striking electronic and optical changes when Bi2Se3 is stacked layer-by-layer on monolayer MoS2, including the formation of an indirect bandgap and 100% photoluminescence (PL) suppression, tunable transmittance-edge (1.1 eV®0.75...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Swastik Kar, Fangze Liu, Christopher Lane, Daniel Rubin, Arun Bansil, Anthony Vargas, Zachariah Hennighausen
Keywords(s): Data Storage, Devices, Electronics, Energy Technology, Materials, Memory, Optoelectronics
Category(s): -Chemistry, -Materials, -Optics, -Nanotechnology, -Sensors tech, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Electronics/Semiconductors
Novel Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Chimeric Virus Like Particle (cVLP)-Based Gene Delivery System for Phrophylaxis and Immunotherapy of Infectious Diseases
Applications:As demonstrated in vitro and in vivo results, HPV VLPs, preferably chimeric HPV L1/L2 VLPs, are useful for facilitating delivery and expression of plasmid DNA to antigen presenting cells, and for enhanced induction of immune responses against co-administered plasmid DNA-based immunogens. Results also demonstrate enhanced immune response...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Robert Rose, Christine Malboeuf, Youngeun Ellen Lee Son, Christopher Lane
Keywords(s): Vaccine
Category(s): Vaccines