Search Results - chongmin+huan

8 Results Sort By:
A Wearable Multi-Functional Ophthalmic Device for Monitoring Oculomotor Components
The invention is a wearable ophthalmic device designed to monitor various aspects of eye function crucial for clear vision. It combines several diagnostic capabilities into a single, user-friendly device. These capabilities include capturing detailed images of the retina (fundus), tracking eye movements accurately, and measuring how well the eyes adjust...
Published: 7/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hong Hua, Yanzhao Lu
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Ophthalmology, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Lens & System Design, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Displays
Perceptual-Driven Foveated Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays
This invention consists of the design and embodiments of a statically optical see through head-mounted displays (OST-HMDs) in which the angular pixel density decreases with the increase of the filed eccentricity according to a specified angular pixel density function. To facilitate the head-mounted display capability to simultaneously see the image...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hong Hua, Pengyinjie Lyu
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Displays
Use of 2-Hydroxyoleic Acid for the Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Immune Pathologies
A novel B cell tolerance pathway activated by the lipid enzyme sphingomyelin synthases 2 (SMS2). Background: Autoimmune diseases such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus are chronic, painful and debilitating. The Lupus Foundation of America estimates that 1.5 million Americans, and at least five million people worldwide, have some form of lupus. The...
Published: 7/11/2023   |   Inventor(s): Chongmin Huan, Christopher Roman, Peiqi Ou
Keywords(s): TAF, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines
A Multi-Functional Three-Dimensional Microscopic System with Structured Illumination and Optical Depth Scanning
This technology is a telecentric microscope design that reconciles the resolution vs. depth of field issues associated with microscope systems. The microscope's design maintains constant system magnification while it performs a depth scan with an electrically controlled vari-focal lens. Background: The classic tradeoff between optical resolution...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hong Hua, Sheng-Huei Lu
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Microscopy, Spectroscopy, Polarimetry
Multi-Resolution Foveated Laparoscope
Researchers at the University of Arizona have developed an optical design for laparoscopes that can obtain wide angle and high magnification images of a surgical area in real time. The two images enable seamless registration between the low and high-resolution images, providing surgeons with the best of both worlds. In addition, the innovation enables...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hong Hua, Mike Nguyen, Yi Qin
Keywords(s): foveated imaging, laparoscope, multi-resolution
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics
Improved Illumination System of Laparoscope Using an Aspherical Lens Array
University of Arizona researchers have developed a more uniform illumination system for better medical images. The system directs outgoing rays from the fiber bundle to provide more uniform illumination, even with extended non-lambertian sources, allowing the full field of view to be fully observed with good detail. It is low cost and can be easily...
Published: 6/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hong Hua, Rengmao Wu, Yi Qin
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Lens & System Design, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Materials & Fabrication
Nanoporous Aluminum Oxide Surface for Enhanced Cryogenic Heat Transfer
Anodized Aluminum Oxide Nanoporous Surface Layer for Significant Boiling and Quenching Heat Transfer ImprovementThis cryogenic heat transfer surface made of aluminum and an anodized aluminum oxide layer is capable of substantial heat transfer enhancement in all three boiling and quenching regimes. The surface layer features nanoscopic pores that effectively...
Published: 4/12/2022   |   Inventor(s): Kirk Ziegler, Yang Zhao, Cheng Xu, Hong Hu, Jacob Chung
Keywords(s): Boiling Phenomena, cooling, nanoporous surface texture
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Materials
Automated Pain Detection in Pediatric Care
uot;Times New Roman",serif; font-size:12pt">Unmet Need: Continuous pain assessment in infants Continuing advances in intensive care have made it possible for premature infants to survive outside the uterus in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) even at very early stages of development. Infants in the NICU may receive an estimated 10-14 painful...
Published: 6/27/2022   |   Inventor(s): Subhanshu Gupta, Huan Hu, Martin Schiavenato
Category(s): Technologies > Health & Well-being > Health-IT, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Medical Devices, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Computer Hardware/Software, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Electrical/Electronics