Search Results - jacob+chung

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Biogas-Powered Steam Gasification of Solid-Organic Waste for Energy Production
Harnesses Anaerobic Digestion to Convert Municipal Waste Sources into Syngas for Power This steam gasification process converts solid-organic waste into syngas for power production. Solid-organic waste comes from ubiquitous sources such as municipal solid waste, biomass, wastewater sludge, municipal wastewater, and animal waste. The conversion of organic...
Published: 7/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jacob Chung, James Trainham, Herbert Ingley
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Materials, Technology Classifications > Environmental > Others
Cryogenic Propellant Storage Tank Chill-Down and Filling for Refueling in Microgravity and Reduced Gravity Environments
Uses Spray Cooling with Flow Pulsing to Prevent the Unnecessary Boiling of Cryogenic Propellant Film in Microgravity and Reduced Gravity Environments This storage tank and propellant transfer apparatus conserves valuable cryogenic propellants in reduced gravity and microgravity environments. The extension of human space exploration is NASA’s...
Published: 9/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jacob Chung, Jason Hartwig, Hao Wang, Bo-Han Huang, Jun Dong
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Mechanical, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical
Microbial Remediation of Halogenated Compounds via Microbial Chain Elongation
­Chlorinated solvents (e.g., tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), and 1,2-cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) are widespread legacy groundwater pollutants. The most common groundwater treatment for bioremediation of PCE and TCE is in situ anaerobic reductive dechlorination by Dehalococcoides mccartyi. Hydrogen (H2) is a crucial electron donor...
Published: 3/13/2023   |   Inventor(s): Aide Robles, Anca Delgado, Maxwell Silverman, Peter Bennett, Jacob Chu
Category(s): Environmental Remediation/Wastewater Treatment, Life Science (All LS Techs), Environmental, Biomaterials
Controlling Microbiological Processes for In Situ Contaminant Treatment
­Groundwater remediation is the process that is used to treat groundwater by removing pollutants. There are different groundwater remediation methods, but they all have the same goal: clean polluted water. One method is bioremediation wherein a biological system is employed for removing environmental pollutants. In situ remediation of subsurface...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Justin Skinner, Anca Delgado, Nasser Hamdan, Jacob Chu
Category(s): Life Science (All LS Techs), Biomaterials, Environmental Remediation/Wastewater Treatment
Nanoporous Aluminum Oxide Surface for Enhanced Cryogenic Heat Transfer
Anodized Aluminum Oxide Nanoporous Surface Layer for Significant Boiling and Quenching Heat Transfer ImprovementThis cryogenic heat transfer surface made of aluminum and an anodized aluminum oxide layer is capable of substantial heat transfer enhancement in all three boiling and quenching regimes. The surface layer features nanoscopic pores that effectively...
Published: 4/12/2022   |   Inventor(s): Kirk Ziegler, Yang Zhao, Cheng Xu, Hong Hu, Jacob Chung
Keywords(s): Boiling Phenomena, cooling, nanoporous surface texture
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Materials