A reliable, accurate, and versatile method for determining the prognosis of primary breast cancer tumors post-surgery.
Background: Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women in the United States, after skin cancer. On rare occasions, it can also occur in men. According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 300,000 new cases of breast cancer occur annually, with over 40,000 women dying from the disease each year. An important part of the patient’s treatment and recovery program involves testing the tumor cells post-surgery. These tests can help determine the patient’s prognosis, as well as guide health care providers when deciding the best course of treatment for that specific patient.
Technology Overview: This technology is an unbiased, mechanistically-based computational stratification method that uses a unique ABI1-based 7-gene prognostic signature of primary breast tumors after surgery. This determines (1) the risk of metastasis, (2) when it will occur, and (3) how aggressive it will be. This test allows for personalized prognosis of breast cancer recurrence and prediction of metastasis in drug-resistant breast cancer patients. The test is reliable, since it uses genomic data based on sets from over 900 human breast cancer patients. This provides higher accuracy than currently used classifiers for prognosis and clinical outcome. In addition, this technology allows prognosis prediction of breast cancer patients at several stages, including the metastatic stage.
Advantages: • Reliable: Genomic data based on sets from over 900 human breast cancer patients • Accurate: Higher accuracy than currently used classifiers for prognosis and clinical outcome. • Versatile: Allows prognosis prediction of breast cancer patients at several stages.
Applications: The primary application for this technology is to determine the prognosis of breast cancer tumors post-surgery. This will help health providers determine the optimal course of action for the patient.
Intellectual Property Summary: Patent application filed, 11/14/2022. App No: 63/425,006
Stage of Development: TRL 3 - Experimental proof of concept.
Licensing Status: This technology is available for licensing.
Licensing Potential: This technology would be of interest to anyone involved in the treatment of breast cancer, including: • Manufacturers of diagnostic products. • Hospitals. • Health care providers. • Universities. • Medical research laboratories.