This technology is a new tumorigenic cell line from the human prostate carcinoma cell line PC-3. These cell lines, known as PC-3/PI, are highly tumorigenic when implanted in the prostate of nude mice, providing a xenograft tumor model of prostate carcinoma. In this model, lymph node metastases form from the primary tumor, similar to what occurs in human prostate carcinoma.
Background & Unmet Need:
Carcinoma of the prostate is the most common malignant tumor in men, with over 240,000 newly diagnosed cases and more than 40,000 deaths each year. For cancer localized in the prostate gland, radiation therapy and surgery are both potentially curative treatment modalities; however, treatment of disseminated disease remains palliative. In patients diagnosed with occult or small clinically palpable lesions, 30-35% develop metastases, and 20% die within 5-10 years. Once the regional lymph nodes become involved in prostate carcinoma, 85% of patients develop distant metastases within 5 years, and metastatic disease is difficult to treat. The prostate tumor model in mice can be used to study new drugs and treatments for metastatic prostate cancer. It can also be used to study mechanisms of prostate tumor growth and metastasis.
Technology Description:
Our researchers have established a tumor model with a PC-3 cell line, a human prostate cancer cell line with high metastatic potential. Our researchers were the first ones to show that this tumor model is useful to test new therapeutic approaches. To develop a prostate carcinoma tumor model, cells from a PC-3/IF cell line, generated by intrafemoral injection, were injected in the prostate of anesthetized male Balb/c nude mice. Sizable tumors were observed in these mice by day 35, and the mice had large prostate tumors of 1-1.5 cm at autopsy. This prostate carcinoma metastatic tumor model can be used to investigate new drugs or novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of metastatic prostate carcinoma. It can also be used to address biological mechanisms for the metastasis of prostate carcinoma to the lymph nodes.
Commercial Applications:
This prostate tumor model in mice can be used to:
Stage of Development:
Preclinical; animal studies performed
Competitive Advantages:
Intellectual Property Status:
No patent information available
Related Publications or Citations of Work:
Triest JA, Grignon DJ, Cher ML, Kocheril SV, Montecillo EJ, Talati B, Tekyi-Mensah S, Pontes JE, Hillman GG. (1998) Systemic interleukin 2 therapy for human prostate tumors in a nude mouse model. Clin Cancer Res. 4(8):2009-14.