Search Results - social+media

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Securing Camera and Photography Systems From Deepfakes by Verifying Provenance and Reducing Attack Surfaces (Case No. 2024-270)
Summary: Researchers in the UCLA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed a multi-layer security framework to verify deepfake imagery data. Background: The exponential improvements in generative AI pose serious implication to the rise of synthetic media or “deepfakes”. Soon, deepfake images and videos will be...
Published: 7/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Alexander Vilesov, Achuta Kadambi, Yuan Tian, Nader Sehatbakhsh
Keywords(s): AI image security, Artificial Intelligence, artificial intelligence algorithms, Artificial Neural Network, Artificial Neural Network Artificial Neuron, artificial-intelligent materials, attack surface reduction, data security, Deep Learning, Deep learning-based sensing, deep physical neural network, deepfake, deepfake protection, deep-learning analysis algorithms, deep-learning fake (deepfake), generative artificial intelligence, image authenticity verification, image provenance, image signal processing, Medical artificial intelligence (AI), social media, third-party verification
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Software & Algorithms > Image Processing, Software & Algorithms > Security & Privacy, Electrical, Electrical > Visual Computing, Electrical > Visual Computing > Video Processing
New Algorithms to Evaluate Online Platform Migration
Background Online platform migration refers to the movement of individuals from one social media platform to another, posing as a significant disruption for companies. When this occurs, digital marketing strategies lose their power and instability grows. Migration can occur for a variety of reasons, including changes in platform ownership or user dissatisfaction....
Published: 7/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ujun Jeong, Paras Sheth, Anique Tahir, Faisal Alatawi, H. Bernard, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Data Mining, Machine Learning, Social Media, Social Media Monitoring
Category(s): Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology, Applied Technologies
Policy-Governed Content Mediation Model for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications
Mobile augmented reality (MAR) is a portable implementation of augmented reality (AR) that enables real-time interaction between digital content and the actual, physical world. Recently, it has been implemented in mobile applications (i.e., mobile augmented reality applications or MAR-Apps) accessible through smartphones, tablets, etc. However, even...
Published: 5/31/2023   |   Inventor(s): Carlos Rubio-Medrano, Luis Claramunt, Jaejong Baek, Gail-Joon Ahn
Keywords(s): Augmented Reality, Multimedia Apps, PS-Computing and Information Technology, Security, Social Media
Category(s): Computing & Information Technology, Intelligence & Security, Physical Science
Systems and Algorithms for Few-Shot Node Classification on Graphs
­Node classification in real-world attributed networks is a central analytical task that is a growing research area. In real-world networks, a large portion of node classes only contain limited labeled instances. Many prevailing graph machine learning methods typically rely upon the availability of sufficient labeled data. However, the long-tail...
Published: 10/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Kaize Ding, Jianling Wang, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Algorithm Development, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Neural Computing, PS-Computing and Information Technology, Social Media
Category(s): Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology
Efficient Topic Tracking of Social Streaming Data for Disaster Support
Background Social media has become an indispensable tool in the face of natural disasters due to its broad appeal and ability to quickly disseminate information. For instance, Twitter is an important source for disaster responders to search for (1) topics that have been identified as being of particular interest over time, i.e., common topics such as...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lu Cheng, Jundong Li, Kasim Candan, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Causal Learning, Data Mining, Social Media
Category(s): Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology
Exploring Personal Attributes from Publicly Available Interactions to Secure Users’ Privacy
As social networking becomes more popular, sensitive personal information seems to become much more readily available on the web. Although some social networks have privacy settings the user can change, some user-created data is simply unchangeable, and thus, remains public. Websites inadvertently store information such as links clicked on, liked, favorited,...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Pritam Gundecha, Jiliang Tang, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Personal Attributes, Privacy, Publicly available interactions, Security, Social Media
Category(s): Computing & Information Technology, Wireless & Networking
Unsupervised Streaming Feature Selection in Social Media
The explosive and viral nature of social media creates massive amounts of high-dimensional data. Features such as hashtags, keywords, or slang words are created every day and quickly become popular within a short period of time. However, social media data is not fully structured and its features are usually not predefined. One way to resolve this problem...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jundong Li, Xia (ben) Hu, Jiliang Tang, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Data Mining, Social Media
Category(s): Applied Technologies, Wireless & Networking, Computing & Information Technology
CrossFire: Cross Media Joint Friend and Item Recommendations
Background Recommendations of user-to-user relationships (“friends”) and items (e.g., products, services) have become integral to the social media experience. When implemented effectively, both the user and the platform gain value. Unlike established sites however, newly launched social media sites lack the historical data typically necessary...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Kai Shu, Suhang Wang, Jiliang Tang, Yilin Wang, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Data Mining, Machine Learning, Social Media
Category(s): Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology, Wireless & Networking
An Approach for Untraceable Web Browsing History and Unambiguous User Profiles
Background The overturning of the Internet Privacy Rules by the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) in late March 2017 allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to collect, share and sell their customers’ web browsing data without their consent. With third-party trackers embedded in webpages, this ruling places privacy under further risk....
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ghazaleh Beigi, Ruocheng Guo, Huan Liu, Yanchao Zhang, Alexander Nou
Keywords(s): Anonymization, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Privacy, Social Media
Category(s): Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology
Sequential Event Prediction with Noise-Contrastive Estimation for Marked Temporal Point Process
Background Tremendous volumes of sequential event data continue to be generated across diverse technological domains. Whether they be “retweets” sprouting across the social media network Twitter, stock trades, or ride-share vehicle usage patterns, effective data processing of past occurrences can improve near-term predictability of future...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ruocheng Guo, Jundong Li, Huan Liu
Keywords(s): Data Mining, Machine Learning, Social Media
Category(s): Wireless & Networking, Physical Science, Computing & Information Technology
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