Search Results - sara+rouhanifard

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DNA-based method for rapid capture, detection and analysis of viruses on surfaces
A sensitive and rapid alternative to current viral detection methods ­INV-21083 Background Thousands of deaths are occurring yearly due to various viral infectious diseases, which has resulted in global public health crisis. COVID‑19 has further brought into focus, the critical need for early detection to prevent transmission, apply effective...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sara Rouhanifard
Keywords(s): Bio-imaging, COVID-19, Diagnostic tool, virus
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science, Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Bioengineering/Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Biotechnology
A Nanopore Device to Discretely Measure Viral Particle Count and Functional Titer with Single-molecule Resolution
INV-21063 Background An effective response to viral infections relies on rapid, selective, and sensitive detection of viruses. However, it is so difficult to quantify the concentration of packaged viruses in a sample that researchers use indirect metrics to assess concentration such as plaque-forming units (PFU). Other methods for viral analysis such...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sara Rouhanifard, Meni Wanunu
Keywords(s): virus
Category(s): -Biomedical Materials, -Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science
clampFISH probes for high-grain, single molecule amplification of RNA
A non-enyzmatic, high-gain signal amplification method for fluorescent detection of RNA to achieve greater than 400 times signal amplification. This makes signal detection possible under low-magnification and separation of cells by RNA levels via flow cytometry. Technology Overview: Many amplification approaches rely on enzymes to achieve amplification....
Published: 10/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arjun Raj, Sara Rouhanifard
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Research Tools & Reagents, Technology Classifications > Chemical Processes and Synthesis, Technology Classifications > Imaging