Search Results - ps-semiconductor+devices

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Clock Skewing for Area and Power Optimization of ASICs Using Differential Flipflops and Local Clocking
Synchronous logic remains the dominant design paradigm of digital systems such as Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). The conventional design of sequential circuit networks is based on the assumption that every register receives the clock signal at the same time. However, guaranteeing the simultaneity of clock arrival times in practice...
Published: 1/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sarma Vrudhula, Ankit Wagle
Keywords(s): Circuits, Computing Architecture, Electronics, Integrated Circuits, PS-Applied Technologies, PS-Semiconductor Devices
Category(s): Applied Technologies, Physical Science, Semiconductor Devices
High Efficiency, Wide Voltage Gain Power Converter System
Power converters convert electrical energy (e.g., convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC) and vice versa, change the voltage or frequency of current, or do some combination thereof). Transformers are key components in power converters and transfer electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another circuit or multiple circuits....
Published: 5/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Mike Ranjram
Keywords(s): Power Electronics, PS-Semiconductor Devices
Category(s): Semiconductor Devices, Physical Science
Analog-To-Digital Converter (ADC) Architectures for High Resolution and Energy Efficiency
Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) act as gatekeepers between physical world (analog) and data analytics (digital). In the IoT era of connected edge devices sensing various physical quantities for analysis in the cloud, ADCs need to have both high resolution (14-16 bits) and high energy efficiency at µW level power. High resolution data conversion...
Published: 6/30/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arindam Sanyal
Keywords(s): PS-Semiconductor Devices
Category(s): Physical Science, Semiconductor Devices