Search Results - jiyoung+oh

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Fuel-Powered Artificial Muscles
These inventions are new, highly-efficient actuators which can function as artificial muscles. They are 100 times stronger than natural muscles, able to do 100 times greater work per cycle, and produce larger contractions than natural muscles. Developed using nanotechnology, these actuators are powered through two methods that convert the chemical energy...
Published: 4/26/2019   |   Inventor(s): Ray Baughman, Von Ebron, Zhiwei Yang, Daniel Seyer, Mikhail Kozlov, Jiyoung Oh, Hui Xie, Joselito Razal, John Ferraris, Alan Macdiarmid, William Macaulay
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Coatings, Devices, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Fuel Cells, Industrial & Manufacturing, Mechanical Systems, Motors, Nanotechnology, Processes, Robotics, Textiles
Category(s): Materials