Search Results - guangzhong+ma

5 Results Sort By:
Label-free Multimetric Measurement of Molecular Binding Kinetics
Molecular interactions play an important role in cellular functions and biotechnology including cell signaling, enzymatic reactions, early disease diagnoses, and drug screening. Label-free techniques serve as important tools for studying these processes due to their ability to provide real-time information on binding kinetics without affecting the structure...
Published: 7/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Shaopeng Wang, Guangzhong Ma, Xiaoyan Zhou
Category(s): Imaging, Life Science (All LS Techs), Proteomic Assays/Reagents/Tools, Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices
Label-Free Single Molecule Method for Detecting Released Cellular Protein Complexes
The ability to precisely and sensitively measure the abundance and composition of intracellular proteins is vital for understanding signaling pathways and cell functions. Typically, this is achieved using gel electrophoresis and western blot. However, these require sufficient signal-to-noise ratio, which limits the detection of rare cells or low-abundant...
Published: 3/7/2023   |   Inventor(s): Shaopeng Wang, Guangzhong Ma
Category(s): Imaging, Life Science (All LS Techs), Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices, Proteomic Assays/Reagents/Tools
Nanoparticle Tracking for Protein Separation and Binding Kinetics Analysis
­Quantifying protein interaction kinetics is important in many biotechnology applications including biosensor development, biomarker discovery, drug screening and basic research. Current label-free techniques for quantifying protein-protein interactions often require separating the protein samples from complex media using magnetic nanoparticles....
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Shaopeng Wang, Yunlei Zhao, Guangzhong Ma
Category(s): Applied Technologies, Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices, Life Science (All LS Techs), Proteomic Assays/Reagents/Tools, Imaging
Tracking Single Molecule Interactions and Dynamics
Single molecule tracking is critical to understanding molecular heterogeneity, interactions and intracellular processes which are important in disease diagnoses as well as progression monitoring. Most 3D tracking techniques lack precision for measuring biomolecular dynamics with the spatial scale of several nanometers, which includes DNA and proteins....
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Shaopeng Wang, Guangzhong Ma
Category(s): Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices, Chemical/Biological Sensors, Diagnostic Assays/Devices, Life Science (All LS Techs)
Label-Free Detection, Identification & Quantification of Single Proteins
Proteins play a prominent role in most cellular functions and many biological processes. They are also important as potential therapeutics, drug targets and biomarkers. The size or conformation and subsequent activity of proteins is regulated by both structure and electrostatic properties. Common techniques for measuring the electrostatic properties...
Published: 4/21/2023   |   Inventor(s): Nongjian (nj) Tao, Guangzhong Ma
Category(s): Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices, Life Science (All LS Techs), Proteomic Assays/Reagents/Tools, Diagnostic Assays/Devices, Imaging