Search Results - extremely+high+frequency

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A Millimeterwave Backscatter Network (Case No. 2024-040)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Computer Science have developed the first millimeter wave communication network that enables both uplink and downlink communication as well as accurate localization using energy-efficient backscattering techniques. Background: Millimeter wave (mmWave) technology is an emerging wireless communication...
Published: 9/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Omid Abari, Mohammad Hossein Mazaheri Kalahrody, Haofan Lu
Keywords(s): accurate localization, backscatter node, Bandwidth (Computing), Bandwidth (Signal Processing), efficiency bandwidth products, energy-efficient, energy-efficient wireless communication, Extremely High Frequency, frequency modulation, high-data-rate links, high-frequency signals, large bandwidth, millimeter-wave, Millimeterwave network, mmWave backscatter network, node architecture, Radio Frequency, Waveform, Waveguide (Electromagnetism), Wavelength
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Wireless, Electrical > Signal Processing, Electrical > Instrumentation, Energy & Environment, Energy & Environment > Energy Efficiency
SUMMARY: UCLA researchers in the department of Electrical Engineering have developed a method for recording of terahertz waveforms which can be used for both sensing and communication in the terahertz spectrum. BACKGROUND: Terahertz waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum between infrared and microwaves. In optical sensing, infrared waves...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Bahram Jalali, Tianwei Jiang
Keywords(s): Analytical Chemistry, Communication & Networking, Extremely High Frequency, Optical Communication , Remote Sensing, Waveform
Category(s): Electrical > Imaging, Electrical > Sensors, Electrical > Signal Processing, Software & Algorithms > Communication & Networking, Software & Algorithms > Security & Privacy, Electrical > Wireless > Antennas, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors