Search Results - elena+bray

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Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors Targeting Clostridioides Difficile Sporulation
­Advantages: The development of DBO compounds represents a novel therapeutic approach to tackling CDI. By inhibiting C. difficile sporulation, DBO compounds address a major cause of CDI recurrence, reducing the likelihood of patients experiencing repeated infections. DBO compounds improve the effectiveness of existing antibiotics used to treat...
Published: 10/2/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yu Chen, Michael Sacco, James Leahy, Elena Bray, Xingmin Sun, Xiujun Zhang
Keywords(s): Drug Discovery, Infectious Diseases Treatment
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Pharmaceuticals, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Infectious Diseases, Technology Classifications > Medical > Biotechnology