Search Results - armin+vahid+mohammadi

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Whole Tissue Protein Mapping
A tool and method for precise, high-throughput spatial mapping of proteins across whole tissue samples. Background: Spatial proteomics enables delineation of spatial localization of proteins within cells and tissues. This ability to identify and study the relative location and quantification of one or more proteins, whether ones that are endogenously...
Published: 8/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jun Qu, Ming Zhang, Min Ma
Keywords(s): Featured, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Buffalo, Technology Classifications > Bioinformatics
High-Resolution Sensor of Biopolymer Sequence and Molecules Based on a Localized Nanopore Electrode Sequencer (LNES)
INV-19043 Background This technology introduces two approaches to polymer sequencing using nanopores in electrically conducting, ion‐intercalating MXene membranes, split into two applications: - The first application of MXene membranes is based on ion transport localization between an ultrathin nanopore composed of intercalated ions (between MXene...
Published: 12/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Meni Wanunu, Mehrnaz Mojtabavi, Armin Vahid Mohammadi, Majid Beidaghi
Keywords(s): DNA sequencing, Nanopores, Protein sequencing, RNA sequencing, Single-molecule mapping
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Bioengineering/Tissue Engineering