Cre-Lox PAR1 Conditional Knockout Mouse

Key Benefits

  • Tissue-specific knockout mouse, allowing PAR1 to be inactivated in specific cell types in certain tissue.
  • Inducible knockout mouse, allowing PAR1 to be temporally suppressed at a given time-point in embryonic, post-natal or adult animals.
  • Eliminates drawbacks and side effects of traditional knockout processes that eliminate genes from the entire body.

Technical Summary

Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that was first identified as the thrombin receptor. Although PAR1 is best known for its role in platelet activation and hemostasis, it also is expressed throughout the central nervous system (CNS) and has complex pathophysiological roles within the brain. PAR1 activation by brain-derived as well as blood-derived proteases has been shown to have variable and complex effects in a variety of animal models of neuronal injury and inflammation. Emory University inventor, Dr. Stephen Traynelis, has generated a transgenic mouse that has loxP sites flanking a portion of the gene encoding the protease receptor PAR1. This model may be used in research related to vascular disorders, cancer, wound-healing and neurological disorders.

Developmental Stage

Model is available for license.

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