2020-839 Endovascular Transvascular (Transmural) Neuromodulation Technique


UCLA researchers in the Department of Neurosurgery have developed an endovascular method to deliver pharmaceutical agents with various physical properties (e.g. liquids, gels, solids) across the wall of a vessel directly to the nervous system tissue.


Portions of the nervous system, such as the autonomic ganglia and associated nerves, and other peri-vascular tissues have important implications in many diseases.  However, these tissues have been out of reach by classic endovascular techniques for drug delivery, as their vascular supply is too small to image, access, and isolate. A treatment method that can access these remote tissues with minimal invasiveness would open a new pathway for targeting these important structures.


UCLA researchers in the Department of Neurosurgery have developed an endovascular approach for treating nervous system tissue (ganglions and nerves) and other perivascular tissues through the transmural introduction of a pharmaceutical into the target perivascular tissues (tissues adjacent to the blood vessel). This method allows for networks of nerves to be treated through various, highly accessible blood vessels. As the pharmaceutical is directly injected, a multitude of therapeutic agents with differing physical properties (e.g. gel, liquid, solid) can be delivered. This approach renders a more versatile solution to neuromodulation, using a minimally invasive technique that can be tailored to a variety of needs.


  • Neuromodulation
  • Neurological ailments (essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, etc.)
  • Cardiovascular dysfunctions


  • Minimally invasive
  • Direct injection
  • Simple implementation
  • Delivery of pharmaceuticals with various physical properties


Prototype demonstrated.  (We have developed the novel use of an already FDA approved catheter).  We have successfully demonstrated this technique for inhibition of ganglion of the autonomic nervous system in the neck in a swine animal model).

Patent Information: