Search Results - thierry+flaven

2 Results Sort By:
A Device for Adding or Subtracting Energy to Body Motion
As we move, our human strength, speed, and endurance is limited by our bodies’ metabolic constraints. One solution to assist human movement is through the development of exoskeletons. Most designs for exoskeletons apply torque to individual joints. These systems are complex, but they can help humans to carry heavy loads, walk further, jump higher,...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Sugar, Thierry Flaven, Matthew Holgate, Jason Kerestes, Jeff Ward
Keywords(s): Bio-Technology, Device, Materials and Electronics, Medical, Medical Devices and Imaging, Robotics
Category(s): Manufacturing/Construction/Mechanical
Sensing Muscle Activation to Control an Ankle Joint
Approximately 1.7 million people in the United States suffer from loss of a limb through amputation. Many of these have lost part of a leg or foot. Walking with a prosthetic requires amputees to expend much more energy than able-bodied individuals. Rigid prosthetics changes the amputee’s gait causing the individual to walk with a dragging motion....
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Thierry Flaven, Thomas Sugar, George Wolf
Keywords(s): Medical, Medical Devices and Imaging, Prosthesis
Category(s): Manufacturing/Construction/Mechanical