Search Results - suichu+huang

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Self-limiting optoelectronic thinning for transition mental dichalcogenides monolayers fabrication
Background Dr. Yuebing Zheng and his team have developed a self-limiting optoelectronic thinning (SOET) technique to prepare atomic monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) in a commercially scalable manner. Dr. Zheng is the Temple Foundation Endowed Teaching Fellowship in Engineering #2 and an associate professor at UT Austin, with primary...
Published: 12/8/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yuebing Zheng, Suichu Huang
Category(s): Physical sciences > Materials
Processing Technique for Ceramic- based Energy Conversion and Storage Devices
Due to rising carbon emissions, extreme weather events and other environmental threats, the demand for alternative energy sources is greater than ever. Therefore, businesses and communities are asking for three things: more affordable electricity, more resilient power, and cleaner energy. Fuel cells, electrolysis cells, membrane reactors, and solid-state...
Published: 1/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hai Xiao, Jianhua Tong, Fei Peng, Kyle Brinkman, Jincheng Lei, Yuzhe Hong, Hua Huang, Shenglong Mu, Rajendra Bordia
Category(s): Manufacturing
Automated Pain Detection in Pediatric Care
uot;Times New Roman",serif; font-size:12pt">Unmet Need: Continuous pain assessment in infants Continuing advances in intensive care have made it possible for premature infants to survive outside the uterus in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) even at very early stages of development. Infants in the NICU may receive an estimated 10-14 painful...
Published: 6/27/2022   |   Inventor(s): Subhanshu Gupta, Huan Hu, Martin Schiavenato
Category(s): Technologies > Health & Well-being > Health-IT, Technologies > Health & Well-being > Medical Devices, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Computer Hardware/Software, Technologies > Energy & Environment > Electrical/Electronics
Rapid and High Yield Reduction of CO2 to Commercially Valuable Multi Carbon Products
Rapid and High Yield Reduction of CO2 to Commercially Valuable Multi Carbon Products Princeton Docket # 18-3372-1 The laboratory of Prof. Andrew Bocarsly has created a collection of alloy electrodes capable of reducing CO2 to high value multi-carbon products in a fast, efficient, and high yield manner that is industrially attractive for CO2...
Published: 10/18/2023   |   Inventor(s): Aubrey Paris, Sonja Francis, An Chu, Andrew Bocarsly
Category(s): Chemistry