Search Results - stephanie+johnson

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Mitochondrial-Targeted Peptide Modulators of Delta Protein Kinase C Interaction with the d-subunit of F1Fo ATP Synthase/ATPase as Therapeutics Against Cardiac Injury
Current State of the Art: Current clinical therapy for heart attack victims focuses on the rapid restoration of blood flow by thrombolysis, angioplasty, stenting and when appropriate surgical coronary artery bypass grafts. Problems with the Current Art: The majority of cardiac cell death associated with a heart attack actually occurs during the...
Published: 4/29/2020   |   Inventor(s): John Johnson, Tiffany Tuyen Nguyen, Mourad Ogbi
Keywords(s): Cardiovascular, Heart Attack, Therapeutics
Category(s): Therapeutics
ReliefLink: a Suicide Prevention App
Application ReliefLink is a mobile companion app for suicide prevention. Key Benefits A companion app that includes mood tracking, reminders and safety plans. Location aware for finding the nearest hospitals and mental health treatment centers. Includes personalized coping mechanisms and assistance for finding therapists and support groups. Market...
Published: 7/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): Nadine Kaslow, Stephanie Johnson, Zhe (eric) Li, Lu Dong, R. Shawn Williams, Claire Lisco
Keywords(s): Mobile App, Neuroscience/Pain
Category(s): TechPub Algolia > Software