Search Results - simon+waddington

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New lentiviral platform eliminating packaging sequences from the transcribed DNA region
Available for: Exclusive/Non-exclusive Licensing<h2>Summary</h2>{{start}} All lentiviral vectors described to date contain packaging sequences necessary for the viral RNA genome to be assembled into viral particles. These sequences are unnecessarily reverse transcribed into DNA and permanently integrate into target cells. The researchers...
Published: 9/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Steven Howe, Conrad Vink, Simon Waddington
Keywords(s): Genetic, Orphan & Rare Diseases
Category(s): Delivery of Drugs/Molecules, Gene/Cell Therapy, Research Tools, Bioanalytics & Assays
Two-terminal multicolor photo-detectors (PD) and focal plane arrays (FPA)
The state of the art of two-color focal plane arrays (FPAs) are two or three terminal photo detector pixels integrated with electronic readout circuits (ROICs). However, a multicolor (> 2) photodetector pixel requires many more terminals, making it very difficult, if not impossible, to integrate multicolor pixel arrays to ROICs due to the increase...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yong-Hang Zhang, Ding Ding, Elizabeth Steenbergen
Category(s): Physical Science, Semiconductor Devices