Search Results - nathaniel+jilette

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RNA Sensor Platform for Targeting Cancer Fusion Genes and Transcripts
Many cancers have recurrent chromosomal translocations leading to the fusion of two genes. Often, said cancers are aggressive, have a poor prognosis with metastasis or recurrence, and do not have effective and targeted treatment. The challenge of many fusion-positive cancers is the lack of established targets downstream of the gene fusion despite years...
Published: 10/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Albert Cheng, Ching Lau, Nathaniel Jilette, Jacqueline Jufen Zhu
Category(s): Cancer, Cancer Therapeutics, Chemical/Biological Sensors, Genomic Assays/Reagents/Tools, Life Science (All LS Techs)
Card Bungie
Invention SummaryMobile application which consolidates all loyalty cards in one place and allows them to be used through NFC technology. It simplifies sign-up through one simple form for all cards and has the ability to offer comps directly through the mobile application. Additionally, it has the ability to acquire large amounts of data through usage...
Published: 8/16/2022   |   Inventor(s): Troy Pettie, Than Le, Evan Thomas, Ashia Shah-Stone
Category(s): Computer Science & Software > Apps, All