Search Results - michael+thompson

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A Process for Identifying Health Modifying Interventions Through Epigenetic Prediction (Case No. 2023-107)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Neurology have developed a novel method that leverages epigenetic markers to identify recommended and necessary health interventions. Background: Disease risk prediction and intervention involves identifying individuals or populations with a higher likelihood of developing a particular condition based...
Published: 3/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Noah Zaitlen, Eran Halperin, Elior Rahmani, Michael Thompson, Zeyuan (Johnson) Chen
Keywords(s): Clinical decision support system, clinical outcome, Clinical Trial, disease outcome, Epigenetics, health risk assessment, outcome probability, patient outcome, prognostic, Public Health, public health monitoring, Risk Assessment, risk reduction, risk score, Simulation & Modeling, statistical modeling, treatment efficacy
Category(s): Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Data Analytics, Software & Algorithms > Digital Health, Software & Algorithms > Statistical Models, Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Monitoring And Recording Systems
Mobile Markerless Motion Capture for Movement Data Collection in All Environments
Overview of Technology Mobile markerless motion capture is a technology that collects biomechanical data by using drones and cameras which are synced to capture human or animal movement. Background Mobile markerless motion capture is the future of human performance data collection outside of the laboratory. Currently, Markered motion capture is considered...
Published: 8/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Reuben Burch, Michael Thompson, Charles Freeman, Anthony Luczak, John Middleton, Harish Chander, David Saucier, John Ball
Keywords(s): Aerospace, Biomedical, Human Health
Category(s): Biotechnology, Sensors & Diagnostics