Search Results - mengting+han

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­MANIPULATING SPATIAL RNA LOCALIZATION Researchers at Stanford have developed an inducible and programmable CRISPR-mediated transcript organization (CRISPR-TO) method for repositioning RNAs to various desired subcellular compartments. Spatial RNA transcriptomics, including subcellular mRNA localization, is a core mechanism for spatiotemporal regulation...
Published: 2/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Lei Qi, Mengting Han
Keywords(s): Localization, mRNA, Neuron
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biology
Identification of Women Who May or May Not Benefit From Certain Invention for Preventing Preterm Birth Based On Bacterial Taxa In The Cervix
Published: 5/25/2020   |   Inventor(s): Siu Chung Stephen Chim, Keun Young Lee, Ka Wing Wong, Meng Meng, Tak Yeung Leung
Category(s): Diagnostics