Search Results - kevin+lamb

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Cymanquines: Metallo-Chloroquine Therapeutics
Inhibition of autophagy has become an attractive target for the clinical management of drug resistant cancers. Towards this end, the potent anti-malarial chloroquine (CQ) has been explored as an autophagy inhibitor in multiple studies. Unfortunately, CQ’s inability to exhibit cytotoxic effects in the low PH tumor microenvironment has presented...
Published: 2/25/2025   |   Inventor(s): William Geiger, Kevin Lam, Claire Verschraegen, Jon Ramsey
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biomedical
Voltage-Gating Device (VGD) for Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM)
Princeton Docket# 19-3561-1 Electric fields are widely used to switch nanoelectronics devices and can be precisely controlled by a variety of power sources. There are extensive studies of how electric gating affects materials’ physical properties, but it is still unclear, in most cases, how electric fields/currents change the structures or...
Published: 4/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Nan Yao, Kevin Lamb, Nieng Yan, Yimo Han
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics
Use of cymanquine compounds as antimalarial agents
PAGE SUMMARY There are an estimated 200-300 million people infected with malaria annually, with a mortality rate of 1-3%, and 40% of the world’s population at risk of contracting the disease. While artemisinin and mosquito reduction are the current treatments, there are drug-resistant parasites emerging, underscoring the need for the next generation...
Published: 2/19/2025   |   Inventor(s): Lawrence Bergman, William Geiger, Kevin Lam
Category(s): Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics