Search Results - christopher+bawiec

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Low-Power Edge Device for Wireless Communication Range Extension
An enhanced, ultra low power passive wake-up radio-based sensor includes a passive wake-up radio-based sensor node having an energy harvester and low power wake-up circuit to improve the wake-up range for passive wake-up radio sensor nodes without the need for local power. The wake-up sensor may additionally include a transmitter for providing a wake-up...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Wendi Heinzelman, He Ba, Li Chen
Category(s): Communications
Ultrasound device and therapeutic methods
PAGE TITLE Overview PAGE SUMMARY The treatment of chronic wounds, including diabetic, venous, and decubitus ulcers has an annual cost of over $25 billion in the US alone. Over 2 million patients are treated for venous ulcers annually, contributing nearly $1 billion dollars toward that cost. Treatments for venous ulcers and their effectiveness...
Published: 6/24/2023   |   Inventor(s): Peter Lewin, Elisabeth Papazoglou, Youhan Sunny, Christopher Bawiec, An Nguyen, Joshua Samuels, Leonid Zubkov
Category(s): Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics, Medical Devices & Diagnostics > MDD: Therapeutic Devices, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics > Pharma: Drug Delivery