Search Results - 1+-+therapeutic

12 Results Sort By:
Lysosomal Protein Targeting Sequence and Therapeutic Applications
Researchers have identified a GCase protein with a specific mutation that increases the protein’s binding in the lysosome. Inside the lysosome there is a receptor called “Lysosomal Integral Membrane Protein 2” (LIMP-2). This receptor is the “docking station” for the GCase protein. Lysosomal storage disorders and neurological...
Published: 3/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Gregory Grabowski, Benjamin Liou
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Therapeutics
Compounds for Therapeutic Intervention of Neurofibroma type 1
Compounds for Therapeutic Intervention of NF Type 1(CHMC Ref. Id: 2007-0702)Overview: Loss of function mutations in the Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) gene result in an autosomal dominant disease that affects approximately 1 of every 3500 live births. Ninety-five percent of patients develop neurofibromas, benign Schwann cell tumors that can associate...
Published: 8/20/2018   |   Inventor(s): Nancy Ratner, Yolanda Sanchez
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Therapeutics
Therapeutic Prevention of Obesity in At-Risk Populations
Identifying safe/effective methods of regulating obesity associated weight gain has been problematic. Our technology represents methods/compositions for weight regulation and energy metabolism. We identified ligands, B-cell activating factor (BAFF), a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) or their modulators, that prevent obesity. Animals expressing...
Published: 11/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Karp, Senad Divanovic, Jessica Allen
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Therapeutics
Generation of Intestinal Organoids For Therapy or Drug Development
Through a coordinated application of growth factors, Dr. Wells and colleagues have developed a technology to mimic embryonic intestinal development in vitro, resulting in the formation of three dimensional organoid structures. These organoids consist of a polarized, columnar epithelium patterned into villus-like structures and crypt-like proliferative...
Published: 7/30/2024   |   Inventor(s): James Wells, Jason Spence, Aaron Zorn, Noah Shroyer
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Research Tools
MAPK Inhibition for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Published: 8/21/2018   |   Inventor(s): William Hardie, Cynthia Davidson, Stephanie Schmidt, Timothy Le Cras
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Therapeutics
Method for Treating Acute Kidney Injury
This invention is based, at least in part, on the discovery that kidney injury results in an up-regulation of Wnt ligands in macrophages and the canonical Wnt response in epithelial cells. While macrophages from the injured kidney are a source of increased Wnt activity, compromise of Wnt receptors or conditional deletion of Wnt7b in the macrophage lineage...
Published: 8/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Richard Lang, Jeremy Duffield
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Therapeutics
Application for MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
Application for MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound (CHMC Ref. Id: 2009-0405) Overview: This technology provides systems and methods for using Magnetic Resonance (MR) image-guided delivery of focused ultrasound energy to reduce the amount of visceral fat in a patient as a therapeutic for the treatment of multiple disease conditions linked to the accumulation...
Published: 8/20/2018   |   Inventor(s): Charles Dumoulin
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Therapeutics
Therapeutic Prevention of Obesity
Identifying safe and effective methods of regulating obesity associated weight gain is problematic. This technology represents a novel method for treating or preventing diet-induced obesity and one or more of its sequelae by inhibiting RP105 (radioprotective protein 105kDa) expression and/or MD-1 expression. Researchers demonstrated that RP105 deficient...
Published: 10/28/2019   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Karp, Senad Divanovic, Stuart Weisberg
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Therapeutics
Specific Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Inhibitor for Cancer
Specific Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Inhibitor for Cancer (CHMC Ref. Id: 2007-0514) Overview: Many protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPs) are over-expressed in cancers. Often they dephosphorylate and activate the oncogenic protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) c-src, which accounts for 70% of the elevated PTK activity in breast cancer. Thus, PTPs are emerging...
Published: 7/15/2021   |   Inventor(s): Rashmi Hegde
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Therapeutics
Organ Transplant Solutions Comprising C5aRA Peptide
Organ Transplant Solutions Comprising C5aRA Peptide (CHMC Ref. Id: 2005-0107) Overview: According to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), there have been over 400,000 organ transplants performed in the United States since 1988. In addition, there are more than 100,000 people on the UNOS waiting list. One of the biggest hurdles to overcome...
Published: 10/10/2022   |   Inventor(s): Joerg Koehl, Prasad Devarajan
Keywords(s): 1 - Therapeutic
Category(s): Educational Tools/Consumer Products
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