Summary The current technology provides a platform for a fully-automated OCT-based 3D detection of retinal pathologies with significantly reduced processing requirements, which could allow for more wide-spread adoption of OCT/OCT-angiography 3D analysis.
Technology Overview Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and its angiography can be used to provide more accurate analysis of retinal pathologies in 3D; however, it can be prohibitively time-consuming and remains under-utilized. The current technology is a framework for structural and angiographic OCT 3D image analysis developed by leaders in the field, which could be incorporated into commercial OCT systems to increase utility of OCT imaging modalities for research and clinical care. Features of this platform include:
Publication Pi et al., “Volume-based, layer-independent, disease-agnostic detection of abnormal retinal reflectivity, nonperfusion, and neovascularization using structural and angiographic OCT.” Biomedical Optics Express 9(2022): 4889-4906. Link
Licensing Opportunity This technology is available for licensing.