Syringe Stabilization Device for Ultrasound-Guided Procedures (UCLA Case No. 2023-045)


UCLA researchers in the Department of Surgery have developed a novel, minimally invasive ultra-sounded guided metastatic mouse model and device enabling more secure and precise usage of in-plane ultrasound imaging of needles.


Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally and in the United States. Pancreatic cancer remains one of the deadliest types, partially due to its metastatic nature. New treatments are a constant focus of research, but they must demonstrate efficacy in metastatic preclinical mice models before they go to human clinical trials. Mouse models are a cornerstone of therapeutic drug development evident by its multibillion dollar market valuation. These mouse models are paramount in determining drug safety and efficacy and, if conducted improperly, may lead to ineffective or harmful patient treatments during clinical trials. Advanced mouse models used to study metastatic cancers (e.g., pancreatic cancer) require intravascular tumor delivery in mice, which utilize ultrasound techniques to guide an injection needle. On the murine scale, small deviations can move the needle out of sight or off target, making the process inefficient and the outcomes very operator dependent. As metastatic mouse models become more important, there is a present unmet need for methods to enable precise and scalable metastatic mouse models. 


UCLA researchers in the Department of Surgery led by Dr. Amanda Labora have developed a metastatic mouse model and device that enables more secure and accurate needle injections under ultrasound imaging. This device assists with the in-plane ultrasound imaging of needles, used during intravascular tumor delivery, resulting in procedures with less operator error and higher efficiency. Previous generations of metastatic mouse models required time consuming and invasive open surgery; this device allows for generation of metastases in a less invasive, time efficient manner as well as targeted drug delivery directly to existing tumors. Beyond small animal models, this device can also be used to improve other ultrasound guided procedures such as catheter placement on pediatric patients, which also requires significant dexterity and needle control.

Potential Applications:

•    Metastatic cancer models
•    Intratumoral drug delivery
•    Ultrasound guided procedures
•    Catheterization


•    Continuous, real-time needle visualization
•    Stabilization of needle
•    Less invasive procedures
•    Lower operator error


Successfully demonstrated in mouse model.

Related Papers:

Generation of liver metastases in a mouse model using ultrasound-guided intravenous injection 

Reference: UCLA Case No. 2023-045

Lead Inventor: Amanda Labora 

Patent Information: