Stem Cell Therapy for Bladder Regeneration

NU 2009-021B 


Primary Inventors

Earl Cheng* 

Arun Sharma* 


Short Description

New method for generating functional bladder tissue grafts from stem cells



Northwestern scientists have developed a novel method for generating functional bladder tissue that can be used to treat a variety of bladder diseases by tissue grafting. The inventors grow a mixture of patients' stem cells a flexible scaffold material, which lowers the chance of rejection after grafting. Further, the elastic properties of the poly (1,8) octanediol co-citrate scaffold can mimic the behavior of healthy human bladder tissue. Another important advantage of this bladder repair method is that the tissue grafts generated from this innovative method can promote regeneration of muscle, blood vessels and nerves that normally function in the bladder. Previous attempts at designing functional bladder tissues did not meet this important benchmark, so this invention could improve how bladder disorders are treated in the future. 



  • Bladder tissue grafting
  • Research tool



  • Flexible scaffold that provides elasticity
  • Enhanced regeneration of normal anatomy such as muscle, blood vessels and peripheral nerves
  • Decreased chance of immune response



Sharma A, Bury M, Fuller N, Marks A, Kollhoff D, Rao M, Hota P, Matoka D, Edassery S, Thaker H, Sarwark J, Janicki J, Ameer G, Cheng E (2013) Cotransplantation with specific populations of spina bifida bone marrow stem/progenitor cells enhances urinary bladder regeneration, PNAS, 110: 4003-4008. 


IP Status

US patent application has been filed.



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