Rapid Detection of an Anthrax Biomarker by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

NU 2006-092



Richard Van Duyne*

Olga Lyandres

Matthew Young

Xiaoyu Zhang

Alyson Whitney

Jing Zhao

Jeffrey Elam


Short Description

Highly sensitive biosensor for detection of anthrax-causing bacterium with field use capabilities



Northwestern researchers have created a surface-enhanced Raman biosensor for use in detecting and identifying Bacillus anthracis, a spore-forming bacterium and dangerous pathogen that causes anthrax. B. subtilis spores, harmless simulants for B. anthracis, were detected using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) on silver film over nanosphere (AgFON) substrates. Calcium dipicolinate (CaDPA), a biomarker for Bacillus spores, was efficiently extracted by sonication in nitric acid and rapidly detected by SERS. Improved binding efficiency of the CaDPA adsorption is accomplished by using atomic layer deposition (ALD) to coat the AgFON surface with a layer of alumina, which also protects the underlying noble metal surface. The speed and sensitivity of this SERS sensor indicate its usefulness for the field analysis of other potentially harmful environmental agents as well. The sensing capabilities of this technology can be readily incorporated into a field-portable instrument, which enables a rapid, sensitive and portable detection protocol suitable for use by first responders.



  • Biosensor for microorganisms



  • Efficient platform
  • High sensitivity
  • Rapid detection of microorganisms
  • Readily compatible into a field-portable instrument



Zhang X, Zhao J, Whitney AV, Elam JW, Van Duyne RP  (2006) Ultrastable substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: Al2O3 overlayers fabricated by atomic layer deposition yield improved anthrax biomarker detection. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128(31): 10304-9.


Zhang X, Young MA, Lyandres O, Van Duyne RP (2005) Rapid detection of an antrax biomarker by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy . Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127(12): 4484-9.


IP Status

Issued US patent number 8,628,727

Patent Information: